“Where do you want all this?”Gwen says walking into my kitchen with her arms full of grocery bags.

“The island,” I answer taking two from her. “Thank you for grabbing this stuff for me.”

“No problem. It’s not everyday my baby bro calls needing my help to impress a girl that I happen to adore.” She walks to the sink and washes her hands. “I’ll start chopping the veggies.”

“You’re my favorite sister, you know that?”

“Yeah, I’ve always been your favorite. You said my name first.” She looks up at the TV and cringes. “Turn that shit off. No work while we’re getting you ready to woo your tiny dancer.”

“Her choreographer keeps harassing her.”

“It’s not uncommon for choreographers and dancers to hook up.”

“I know for a fact this is unwelcome attention.” I give her a look over my shoulder, not appreciating the direction of her train of thought.

“How do you know? I mean you’re not there. I love Claire, but she’s an ambitious dancer.”

“I have a camera on her bag. I watch her sometimes.” I have to duck at the banana that comes flying at my face.

“Griffin Matthew Potter!” she screeches. “You fucking stalker!”

“She knows it’s there.” I bend down to retrieve the wayward banana. “It’s actually there to help her out.”

“Oh, so she knows you spy on her?” she raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Not in so many words. She knows she can access the camera from an app I installed on her phone.”

“Just not that you also have the app installed on your phone and can access the camera. You’re such a creep.”

“Yeah, that creepiness comes in handy sometimes.”

“Agree to disagree.” She goes back to chopping. “So, you two are obviously getting more serious.”

“As far as I’m concerned, I’m ready to tell everyone we’re together and get it over with, but she keeps asking for more time.”

“What’s her reasoning for that? Just worried about how Connor will react or something else?”


“And you can’t tell me the something else.”


“Well, I’ll give you my opinion on the part I do know about. The longer you wait to tell Connor, the worse it’s going to be. He’s going to be mad, regardless. It’s obvious to anyone who knows you that you really care about her though. That should count for a lot.”

“I hope so.”

She puts all the veggies she’s chopped on to a baking sheet with some herbs and olive oil. Then she scrawls out instructions on a Post-it. “Follow these directions, and you should have perfectly crisp veggies.”

“Thank you.”

“Want me to set up the table on your terrace?”

“I already have it set.”