* * *

When I wake up, I see the sun streaming through the windows and feel the heat of Griff’s body at my back. I stay there, absorbing his heat and breathing in his scent for the last time. I want nothing more than to roll over and snuggle up closer to him. Instead, I gently roll out of the bed and walk with light steps into the bathroom. With one last glance at the beautiful ink that covers his body, I close the door.

I get a glimpse of my ass in the mirror, smiling at the red welts from Griff’s belt last night. My neck also bears bruises from him. I wish those marks would stay on me forever. The hot water stings a bit on them, causing me to wince under the spray. I hear the handle on the door jiggle and am glad I remembered to lock it before getting in the shower. If Griff joined me in here, I don’t think I’d have the strength to walk away.

I was fully expecting Griff to have snuck out to his room by the time I finished getting ready, but he’s sitting on the edge of the bed looking straight at me when I walk out of the bathroom. He’s gotten partially dressed, with his shirt unbuttoned to the center of his chest and tie draped around his neck.

“I thought you would have gone back to your room by now,” I say as I walk over to set my makeup bag inside my suitcase.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay after last night.”

“I’m fine.” I keep myself busy, ignoring his attempts to make eye contact.

“Are you sure because you are acting strange this morning?”

“I’m fine -”

A knock at the door interrupts me. I lock eyes with Griff when Con’s voice calls my name through the door. We both look at each other, knowing that this is it. Griff walks to the door and swings it open.

A look of surprise crosses Con’s face as he steps inside. Lilith follows closely behind, and as she takes in Griff’s appearance, understanding dawns. She takes the tiniest step between Con and Griff, typing something into her phone quickly. Con looks back and forth between Griff and me, his eyes taking in my freshly showered appearance and bruised neck. Then moving to Griff, half dressed with obvious sex hair.

“What. The. Fuck.” Con says with intimidating stillness. “Tell me this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Hey, Hoodrat, what’s goin -” Levi stops in the middle of the doorway. “Oh fuck.” He charges in, stepping between the guys opposite of Lilith.

“What’s going on, apparently, is Griff betraying lifelong friendships,” Con growls as he steps forward.

“No,” I say walking right up in front of him, “it’s not how it looks.”

“I’m in love with her,” Griff says.

“It’s just a favor and sex,” I say at the same time.

I look over my shoulder at Griff. I know I deserve to feel how devastated he is by my words. It’s the punishment I deserve for being so awful.

“Claire,” Griff trails off, his eyes begging me not to hit the self-destruct button on our relationship.

I burrow deep down into that void inside me as I look in his eyes and rip his heart out. I deserve to see his pain. I deserve to feel a thousand times over. “It’s not serious, just a casual thing as he helps me with something. It’s over now.”

“You piece of shit.” Con steps around me, his fist already rising.

Levi moves to intercept, but everything happens so fast. The next thing I know Con’s fist is wrapped in Griff’s hand as he blocks the attack. I’ve never seen anything like it, and the whole room is stunned. The tense silence lasts for what feels like an hour but really is just seconds.

“No.” Griff says with a shocking amount of authority. “If you and I are going to fight, it’ll be with words, not fists.” He turns his attention back to me. “Claire, don’t do this. Don’t throw us away like this. I know you don’t want this.”

“Thank you for all your help, Griff,” I say with cool detachment, “but I need to tell my brother everything now.”

I watch as pain fills his face; his eyes turning glassy as he walks out the door and out of my life. At some point, Ivy showed up too. She looks around the room as he walks past her, and when no one makes a move to follow him, she does.

“I’m going to take a minute, and then you are explaining everything.” Con walks away from me and looks out the window. His back and shoulders rise as he takes deep breaths, forcing himself to calm down with the outlet of physical violence.

“Lilith,” I look over at her, barely able to hold her accusing gaze, “can you go get Mom and Dad? They need to be here, too.” She and Levi have a silent conversation before she turns and leaves the room.

I quickly swipe my cheek as a lone tear escapes my eyes. I barely hold back a sob as I feel Levi wrap his arm around me and pull me to him for a hug. In any other situation, I would rebuff his offer of comfort, but right now I’m just so grateful for a steady presence to hold onto. I shudder against him a few times as I fight to control myself.

“I kind of feel like that thing about fighting with words was a dig at me,” he whispers against the crown of my head. “We can’t all be Mensa members, you know? Every group needs a pretty boy.”

Levi’s joke works to distract me from the pain of what I’ve just done and ease the anxiety of what’s to come. I squeeze him in silent appreciation. His humor is so comforting in this moment, the light-hearted big brother I never had.