“Thank you,” she gives me a quick hug but pulls away from the kiss. “Con could come back at any time.” Her eyes dart around the cabin to make sure we weren’t caught.

“I think it’s time to tell him. Maybe tomorrow morning after the wedding.”

“What?” She blinks in surprise. “Why?”

“He’s trying to figure out what’s going on with you. He sneaks through your apartment at night to see if he can find anything.”

“I’m sorry,” her face hardens into the trademark Volkov glare, “he does what? Did you know this? Why am I just now hearing it? That fucking psycho.”

“I just found out this morning,” I say with my hands up. I am not going down for this.

“Oh shit, he could have found you one of the times you stayed with me.”

“Yeah.” I nod, hoping that she’s coming to the conclusion that we need to come clean.

“I’ll deal with it tomorrow. I don’t want to ruin Levi and Ivy’s day.”

I nod and grab her by the hips, pulling her to me. My lips attack hers before she realizes what’s coming. I’m going to have to watch Con and Lilith and Levi and Ivy kiss and do cute couple shit all day without touching the girl I love. I’m damn well going to kiss her like I mean it right now while we’re alone.

She stays stiff at first, fighting it until I move my knee between her legs and pull her against my thigh. She melts against me with a whimper of surrender that sounds so sweet I could drown in it. Then her hands are moving up my shoulders and into my hair. Her tongue meets mine stroke for stroke as we lose ourselves to each other.

The pounding of Levi’s feet and his booming voice from outside break us apart. When we pull away from each other, she has a sad look on her face. Like she never wants to let me go, but something is wrong, too. It’s troubling, but everyone comes in and distracts me from trying to figure it out.

Before long we’re all standing in a clearing, in front of a tree that thirteen-year-old Levi and Ivy carved their names into years ago. There are pink peonies and hydrangeas everywhere, and twinkle lights strung above us. Ivy looks absolutely stunning; her dress is lace and wraps around her neck with the back completely open. Her hair is in its naturally curly state but pulled over one shoulder with a few flowers pinned in it.

I’m trying to pay attention, but my eyes keep drifting to Claire and how the color of the forest behind her matches her eyes. I’m glad Connor is the one with the rings because I have totally missed everything happening around us until the officiant declares them husband and wife. I would be absolutely worthless as the best man right now.

The seventy-five or so people in the clearing clap while Levi gives Ivy a lascivious kiss, dipping her low to ground. The flourish is so Levi, over the top and goofy but affectionately loving. My chest fills with happiness for them and love for Claire as I walk her down the aisle after Con and Lilith.

I can see everything perfectly in my mind. Proposing to Claire on one knee, marrying her, and taking her on a trip around the world for our honeymoon. Then living together, coming home to each other, taking care of her, and protecting her. Every part of me knows without a doubt that she is mine, the woman I’m meant to love forever.

All of us are staying at a boutique hotel in the town about half an hour from the camp, so we all pile in a limo together after all the guests have left. Levi pulled Ivy into his lap as soon as we got in, and I haven’t seen them come up for air once. Con and Lilith are texting Victor about the babies. The back of the limo is dark enough that I can rest my hand on the seat beside Claire’s and no one can see our pinkies linked. Not that I’m really concerned about it anyway. I take it as a good sign when she doesn’t pull away either.