“I can’t believeI’m getting married tomorrow morning.” Levi plops down on the couch in the cabin we’re sharing for the night with a beer.

“I can’t believe I’m sleeping in a bunk bed with you assholes instead of at a hotel with my girls,” Con says with a scowl. “Zion gets to be with the girls tonight.”

“Love you too, Con.” Levi chucks a beer at him. “Zion is always going to choose Hoodrat over us.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I hope I don’t fuck up the vows tomorrow. Should I write them on my hand?”

“Do you want to look like a middle schooler trying to cheat on a test?” Con snarks.

“Don’t you guys have some spy equipment I could use? Mic one of you and put a receiver in my ear in case I forget?”

“No,” I say from where I’m standing at the door, looking over the lake. “You’ll be fine. We can practice tonight and tomorrow morning if you want.”

“Oh, I see how it is. You have all the tech to spy on the girls, but when I need one simple thing for my wedding, you can’t come through.”

“You don’t need it, come on. Let me see what you have so far.” I go over and sit beside him.

“I’m going to go FaceTime Lilith and the girls,” Con says disappearing out the door.

“Here,” Levi hands me his phone open to his notes. What he’s got is good, he talks about how he knew she was the one from their first conversation. I chuckle at a couple parts.

“Okay, you’ve talked a lot about your relationship and history, but let’s come up with a promise you can make to her.”

He takes a long pull of his beer and looks out the window, deep in thought. A few minutes go by, and neither of us has spoken.

“I don’t know,” Levi rubs his forehead, “make some suggestions for me to build off of.”

“Okay,” I let my mind wander. “Today and every day, I promise to love and protect you. I promise I will always be there to hold you in darkest of times. I will push you when you need me to and I’ll let you guide me when I need it.” Claire’s face flashes through my mind I don’t push it away as I whisper a promise to her. “I’ll carry you. I will be your feet keeping you dancing when you can no longer stand.”

“That’s,” he side-eyes me, “oddly specific. Who were you just thinking of, Griff? A certain tiny dancing ice princess?”

I take a long drink from my bottle, letting the bitter hops sit on my tongue for longer than necessary. My mind did go to the vows I’d make to Claire. To all the ways I want to be with her, from now until the end of our lives.

I love her.

I’m in love with her.

“Oh, shit,” Levi points at me, “I know that look. That’s the look of someone who just realized that they fell in love. You’re in love with her!”

I punch his shoulder and shush him, “She’s not ready to tell anyone yet.”

“Con’s definitely gonna kill you now.”

“Who am I killing?” Con asks as he walks back into the cabin.

“Griff hired strippers,” Levi lies for me. “But can we talk about how fucking nonchalant you were about killing someone? You didn’t even ask for a reason.”

“If you guys need someone killed, I’ll do it. No questions asked. But if strippers are coming, we’re all gonna die anyway. You know Ivy’d take us all out.”

“Easily,” Levi agrees with a hint of pride. “We’re so fucking lucky to have these badass women in our lives.”

They share a goofy, love drunk look with each other. Then Con turns to me.

“Now we just need to find Griff a partner.”

“Cunt or cock, doesn’t make a difference to me,” Levi jokes. “As long as they aren’t Mets fans and they treat our baby Griff with the care he deserves.” He pinches my cheek laughing when I punch him in the gut.