“Mr. Potter,Levi Marsh is here for you,” McKenna announces over the intercom. “He just walked right past me—”

“It’s fine,” I look up as the door opens, “thank you.”

“That receptionist of yours is a thirsty one.” He stretches out in front of me on one of the chairs, dressed casually in shorts and a t-shirt.

I have a feeling I know why he’s here and why he’s looking at me like he’s waiting for a confession. We stare each other down in a way that only two lifelong friends can.

“You gonna tell me why you chased Baby V out of the hospital room like her ass was on fire the other day?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say as blandly as possible.

“Your phone wasn’t ringing when you ran out. She was upset as soon as she walked into the room.” He narrows his eyes and tries to look intimidating.


“I don’t think so.” He leans forward and moves shit around on my desk, just enough to annoy me. “I think something is going on between you two. I think something has been going on between you for a while. Since the wedding, to be exact.”

I shake my head and fix my desk, so I don’t have to look him in the eye. As easily as lies come to me, I don’t think I could look in Levi’s eyes and flat out deny what he’s saying.

“Since you aren’t talking, I’ll elaborate on my theory. Ivy saw you follow Claire out during the reception, and neither of you ever showed back up. Then, the next morning, I came out of my room while you were going into yours. Still wearing your suit from the night before. Your hair looked like you’d been fucking all night long.”

“Maybe I was fucking someone, but there were other people there for the wedding.”

“No one single,” he raises a brow, “male or female, except for Baby V.”

This has been eating away at me for weeks now. I look over at him as soon as I decide to end the charade and come clean. His eyes grow big when he realizes what I’m about to say.

“Okay, fine. You’re right. Claire and I seeing each other.”

“Duuudddeee.” He presses the heels of his hands against his eyes and shakes his head. “Not Baby V. Con’s gonna straight up murder you.”

“You’re the second person to sit in that chair and say that. It’s more than kinky sex though.” I toss my pen down on the desk and lean back in my chair. “It’s not even kinky sex at all.”

“Wait,” he scrunches his brow, “who else knows?”

“Gwen. I needed advice way back when it started. She immediately started googling caskets.”

“Shit, if there’s even a body left. We had the no-sisters pact, and you’re over here breaking it. When did this start? Help me understand, so I can keep you alive and Con out of prison.”

“Technically, it started in Greece.”

“Holy fuck!” he jumps out of the chair. “This has been going on for almost a year?”

“No, we just kissed one night on the yacht after everyone went to bed. Then nothing happened again until the night of the wedding.”

“When you fucked.”

“Don’t make it sound so…unimportant.” I rub my temples trying to think of how to explain this without divulging Claire’s secret. Her trust means everything to me, and I’m not going to break it. “We slept together that night with the mindset that it was just going to be a one night thing to get it out of our systems.”


“So we had our night. It was,” I pause trying to do it justice.

“No details, please. She’s like my baby sister.”