“You aren’t on any of the lists I have for guests always welcome to interrupt his day.” She smiles this time.

“Listen, you can either announce me,” I slap my palm on her desk, entirely finished with this haughty bitch, “or I’ll go into his office and tell him how incredibly rude his receptionist has been. What’ll it be?”

“Baby V!” I turn at the sound of my nickname being yelled by a familiar voice. “What are you doing here?” Gwen Potter wraps me in a tight embrace.

“Hi Gwen,” I throw an icy glare at the receptionist, “I’m here to ask Griff a favor, but she won’t let me in.”

Gwen turns and addresses her receptionist. “McKenna, this is Claire Volkov. She is always welcome here. In fact, there’s about five people you should never turn away from Griffin’s office. She’s one of them, along with Connor and Lilith Volkov, Levi Marsh, and Ivy Bane.” When the receptionist just gives her a blank stare, Gwen snaps, “You should be writing this down.”

“Come on,” Griff’s sister wraps her arm around me and guides me toward their offices. She, two of her sisters, and Griff took over operating the media conglomerate so their parents could retire and travel when Griff finished college. “You live in Manhattan now, right? Let’s grab dinner sometime and catch up.” Gwen is only a year older than Griff and danced at the same studio as me back in Founder’s Ridge where we all grew up.

“I would love that.” I stop in front of the door to Griff’s office. “I’m learning an audition piece for the next couple weeks, but I’m pretty flexible in the evenings.” I ramble off my cell number for her, and we exchange another quick hug before she pokes her head in Griff’s office.

“Hey, baby bro, look who I found.” She pushes the door open to reveal an incredibly handsome Griff sitting behind a large mahogany desk.

“Claire,” he stands and walks around the desk to give me a quick hug. “Thanks, Gwen.” He dismisses his sister and sits back down behind his desk.

“Hi.” My stomach is back in knots now that I’m sitting across from him. He’s wearing a navy suit, slim fitting with his tie loosened around his neck. A vintage Rolex adorns his left wrist, and he’s wearing black-framed glasses. His red hair looks slightly mussed. He takes me in with curious eyes, and I realize all I’ve said so far is hello. I swallow nervously, but no words form on my tongue.

“What’s up?” His brows furrow with concern. “Are you okay? Do you need water or something?”

“No,” I shake my head, “to both questions. I need a favor.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“I need you to do a catch and kill.”

Surprise flickers over his face, and he leans back in his chair. “On what?”

“Anything to do with me.”

He pulls his glasses off and tosses them on the desk before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why?”

“Can you just trust me? Do the catch and kill, and I’ll consider it a personal favor.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “I need to know what is going on.”

“You can’t tell anyone. Especially Connor.”

“Don’t you think we have enough secrets we’re keeping from him as it is?”

The air fills with hot tension as his words hang between us like forbidden fruit. “I’m not ready for anyone to know. This is bigger than a one night stand.” Regardless of how amazing it was.

“Claire, I’m starting to worry. What’s going on?”

“Promise you won’t say anything until I’m ready?”

“Fuck.” He stands up and starts pacing. “Yes.”

“I’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.” I can’t bear to see the pity in his eyes, so I look down at my feet, fighting back the pinpricks of tears gathering in my eyes. I can hear him stop pacing, and then he’s crossing over to me. I see his Italian leather loafers enter my field of vision.

“Claire,” he drops to a squat in front of me, his large hands on either of my knees, “I’m so sorry.”

I nod once and turn my head away. Hot tears fill my eyes as I fight to keep my cold mask of indifference in place. There is nothing worse than showing weakness.

“Look at me,” he commands softly. When I shake my head again, his fingers gently grip my chin and turn my head. “Talk to me, explain everything.”

“How about I explain the parts you need to know to help me with the catch and kill?”