I clench my jaw so hard I think my teeth might crack when two men approach them at the bar. Luckily we have rules regarding respectful behavior in here, so the girls won’t be harassed. I should just go back up to my office and pretend I never saw them.

I’ve almost convinced myself to do that when I notice Jacob Harrington-Wells stroll through the door. He’s our one problem client, and honestly, if it weren’t for all the secrets he spills when he drinks, we would have barred him from the dungeon a long time ago. I see his predatory gaze land on the girls as he zeroes in on them like fresh meat.

My feet are moving before I can even think. “Claire,” I say as I stalk toward her.

“Hey babe,” Donovan says as he wraps an arm around Friday. He meets my eyes in a silent acknowledgment of keeping them from Jacob. She turns into his arms, and I’ve never been more grateful for his presence.

“Griff,” Claire’s face remains neutral, but her eyes gave away her surprise when I said her name out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?”

“This,” I circle my index finger in the air, “is my club.”

“Oh.” She swallows as that news sinks in. “Oh. It’s nice.”

“Thank you. What are you doing here?”

“We’re here to support Donovan,” she gestures over my shoulder to Donovan and Friday. “I didn’t realize this was where it was going to be. You know, at a…” she trails off.

“Sex club? BDSM dungeon?” I fill in the blanks.

“Yep.” She takes a gulp of the vodka soda our bartender just pushed across to her. “Yours, no less.”

I notice Jacob is blatantly checking her out, so I close the distance between us, placing my hand on her hip and sliding my fingers between her exposed skin and the laces of her dress. I lean in to whisper in her ear, “Better slow down on the drink. We have a two-drink maximum, less for those who are underage.”

“Why’s that?” she asks, not moving away from my close proximity.

“You can’t consent if you’re drunk.”

“Good point.” She leans against the bar with one elbow. “So what exactly do you do here?”

“Make sure everyone behaves and pay the bills.”

“Ah, man. Here I was hoping for a show.”

“Sorry to disappoint.” I have to bite the inside of my cheek to hold back from offering a private experience.

Friday joins us as Donovan walks up to the platform we have in the center with a table laid out. Mara is already up there, about to lie down for the demonstration. When I glance at Friday, I expect to see some level of jealousy as she watches Donovan stroke Mara’s body while he ties her to the table. To my surprise there is no jealousy, just straight desire in her eyes.

“Do you want a table to sit at?” I offer.

“No, I like this view,” Friday answers distractedly.

“I have to go make a few rounds around the club to check on things.” I look down at Claire. “Are you good?”

“Yeah, we’re fine.” She dismisses me with a wave of her hand. “Go do your job.”

I lean down as I make eye contact with Jacob and kiss her on the cheek, effectively marking my territory. I walk away to go find Grant. I can’t stand next to her in that dress, in this place, without wanting to bend her over the closest table and finish what we started weeks ago. My need for her is clawing at my chest, fighting to be released.

I’m just about to push send on a text to him when he steps out of the stairwell. I slide my phone into my pocket and pull him aside. The urgency to put distance between Claire and me is making me more intense than usual.

“Claire Volkov is here,” I say quietly.

“Connor’s sister?” he asks with both eyebrows raised. “Fuck. We better make sure he doesn’t find out. He’d bust the windows out.”

“No kidding. Can you keep an eye on her while I go up to the office? I have a few things left to go through.”

“What do you have left to do?” He narrows his eyes, suspicious of my behavior. He knows I finish my work before coming down to the floor.

“I wanted to double check last month’s invoices. I thought I saw a discrepancy earlier.”