“Well, fuck her.” He reaches over and ruffles my hair. “I’ll come out to support you as often as I can, so will dad. Hell, my mom will probably try to make it to any meets you have in Connecticut.”
“I know. I love your mom.” It’s not the first time I’ve wished for her to be my mom. Lord knows she’s been more maternal toward me in our infrequent visits than my own mother has in sixteen years.
We pull into a gated community with tree-lined streets. All the homes are huge, at least three times the size of our house back in Hartford. Isaac turns left onto a long drive leading to a large contemporary mansion.
“Jeez,” I have to bend forward to take the whole thing in through the windshield. “You sure this is the right place?”
“Yeah.” He parks in the circular drive at the front of the home. “Ready?” he asks while turning the car off.
“No,” I answer honestly. Especially if Levi is waiting within those walls. Does he know? Is he freaking out?
A tall, muscular blond man fills the door and steps out. I’m fucked. There is no way this man is not Levi’s father. The resemblance is insane right down to the dark blue eyes. He smiles warmly at Isaac and me.
“Ivy and Isaac, I presume?” He holds his hand out to Isaac. “You look like Parker,” he looks at both of us closely. “Both of you do actually,” he says as he shakes my hand. “I’m Franklin, but please call me Frank. Nice to meet you.”
“You, too.” I say quietly stepping close to Isaac for comfort. Any bravado I may have had blew away in the wind as soon as I laid eyes on Frank.
“Where are your bags? Let’s get you settled in.”
Isaac and Frank walk to the back of the Jeep and each take two of my suitcases. I grab my duffle bag full of my swim equipment and my purse and follow them inside. The interior is decorated in the same modern style as the facade. Almost everything is white with accents of black or gray metal throughout. We pass a living room with soaring ceilings and two-story glass windows before walking up a metal and glass staircase. We walk down a long hall before Frank stops in front of a door and swings it open.
“Here is your room. Your mom had it decorated, but if you want to change anything let me know.” He sets my bags down in the middle of the room. “You have your closet through that door,” he points, “and youren suitebathroom is through the other door.”
“Thanks, it looks great.” I’m not lying. It is amazing. The room is even decorated in my favorite colors and with a lot of sophisticated feminine flair. I see my mom’s stamp all over the room.
“Wonderful. Your mom should be home soon. She’s at Founders Prep getting you enrolled. My son will be home from football practice soon, too. I’ll make sure he pops his head in before he heads out for the night.” He looks around and scratches his jaw, a little uncertainty showing. “I’ll, uh, let you get settled. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
Isaac turns to me when Frank closes the door behind him. “You good? I’d stay but I have some stuff to do at home before Monday.”
“You’re good to go. I’m just going to unpack my suitcases and find ways to hide from Mom.”
“The house is big enough for it.” He wraps me in a tight hug. “I feel like I should wait and meet and this new brother you’re getting. Make sure I don’t have competition for your favorite.”
“You’ll always be favorite brother, hands down.” I squeeze him back, clinging a little longer than usual. “Can you find your way out of this place?”
“Yeah,” he pinches my cheeks like he has since I was a baby, “I love you. Call me if you need anything.”
“Love you, too,” I say as I swat his hands away from my face. “Drive safe.”
I stand there in my new bedroom for a few minutes after he leaves. The walls have some generic art hung. I’ll probably change it out. I wheel my suitcases into the closet expecting a normal size walk-in like I have at my dad’s house.
My jaw drops when I walk in; the closet is actually half the size of my bedroom, which is saying a lot. One wall is all shelves for shoes, one wall has an upper and lower rack, one wall has one upper rack for dresses, and the fourth wall is all shelves. In the center of the room is an island with a glass top and drawers on every side. Hanging directly above the island is a crystal chandelier. It’s absolutely amazing, and I know the one thing I will have fun doing with my mom is filling this room.
I’m halfway through unpacking my third suitcase when I hear a knock at my door. I pause in the closet, wondering if I don’t say anything whoever is out there will go away. I hear another knock, and then the doorknob turns. I freeze in the doorway of the closet, heart racing and blood pumping in my ears as the door opens, paralyzed by memories of the night I met Levi.
The July evening air hangs heavy with humidity, causing my curls to frizz around my face and stick to my damp skin as I walk through the woods. I needed to get out of my cabin and away from the constant cackling chatter of my bunkmates. I can only hear them gush about who is the cutest member of One Direction so long before I want to suffocate myself in my pillow. Especially when they start blasting their album on repeat every night.
The cicadas buzz loudly as I move with the stealthy silence I acquired during my parent’s divorce. I drag in a deep breath and let a small smile cross my face. The scent of pine and maple trees dances on the wind. The sky is so full of stars I never even knew existed. This place is magical. It’s my first year at Foster’s Camp for Elite Athletics. I’ve spent the better part of the summer here, focusing on honing my skills in the pool.
I emerge from the woods and step onto the concrete pool deck. After looking around for any staff workers and seeing the coast is clear, I toe off my sneakers. My shirt and shorts hit the ground next to them, and I slowly lower myself into the chilly water in my favorite threadbare practice suit. I take a couple lazy strokes into the diving well section of the pool and tread water for a minute. I take a few deep breaths, pulling and holding the oxygen in my lungs prepping them for what I’m about to do. After I feel my heart rate slowing, I take one more deep breath and let myself sink to the bottom.
I love this, being surrounded by water and murky light. Noise from the world muffled so I can focus on my own thoughts. The quiet peace of the bottom of the pool is my happy place. I let my thoughts drift away from my mother’s constant criticism to worries about starting my new school. I guess neither of my parents wanted me since they decided to send me to all girls boarding school starting this year.
I’m stewing in those dark thoughts when I hear someone jump into the pool above me. About two seconds after I hear the collision of a body with the surface of the water, I feel two arms wrap around me. I’m pulled against the chest of the person behind me and hauled to the surface.
We hit the air, and I grip the arm, trying to disentangle myself. I’m incredibly annoyed that my quiet time is being interrupted. Who does this person think they are?