The restaurant we had dinner at is only three blocks from Indigo, so we just decide to walk. Four of Lilith’s security team follow several feet behind us; she told the ones wearing uniforms to back off.
“The uniformed guys are VI,” she explains, “so they only listen to Con or Victor. I can ask them to back off, but they won’t leave unless directly ordered to by one of them.”
“Yeah, it’s excessive,” Claire adds. “At least they listen and back off when you tell them to, they won’t ever leave my side.”
“If I didn’t have my own guys, they probably wouldn’t.”
We’re met at the door of Indigo by Grant, who leads us back to a booth in the VIP section. He and Lilith chat about some business she has with Lake, one of his business partners. Claire and Friday are already off on the dance floor, completely ignoring the appreciative stares they are each getting from every man and half the women around them.
I sit down and pour myself a glass of champagne from the bottle chilling on the table. A small appreciative moan leaves my lips at the crisp taste of the Dom Perignon. I startled out of my little champagne-gasm by a heavy, warm hand landing on my shoulder.
I turn my head and am greeted by a welcome and familiar face.
“Oliver!” I shoot out of my seat and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug.
“Ivy,” he pulls back a little but leaves his hands on my hips. “I can’t believe my first night out back in the city and I run into you. Kismet.” His body still has the lean musculature of a soccer player, but his jaw has sharpened into a more chiseled line. He looks damn good.
“Must be,” I smile up at him. “It’s so good to see you. Sit down with me.” I slide into the booth, and he sits beside me.
“Who is this?” Lilith asks as she sits down across from us.
“This is Oliver. Oliver, this is Lilith.”
“Ah, the Oliver. I’ve heard a lot of about you.” She gives him a kind smile. Then a mischievous smile crosses her face, it’s so similar to Levi’s I don’t know how we went six months without making the connection.
“I’m sure most of it bad since you are Levi’s cousin,” Oliver jokes charmingly.
“I take anything he says related to Ivy with a grain of salt. I’m sure you’re great.”
“Thanks,” he winks at her. “You and Connor are still together? How are the Titans doing these days?”
“Fuck,” she rolls her eyes, “that stupid ass nickname. We all live together up in Boston. Con has one more year at MIT, I’m at Boston College, and Griff and Levi are both at Harvard. We all live together in Cambridge.”
“And Ivy’s all alone at Yale,” Oliver makes puppy dog eyes at me. “I’m back in the states for good now though. New Haven isn’t that far from Manhattan.” His hand squeezes my thigh.
We’re interrupted by Claire and Friday stumbling over to the table, giggling and holding each other up. Claire gets a look at Oliver and narrows her eyes, trying to place how she knows him.
“Claire?” Oliver asks.
Her widen with surprise, “Oliver Abbott! It’s been ages!”
Lilith makes room for Claire and Friday, and we all spend a few minutes making introductions and catching up.
“Well, ladies, it’s been great seeing you. I have to go find my mates.” Oliver grabs me for a side hug and whispers in my ear, “Let’s grab dinner this week. We can catch up better than in a nightclub.” He kisses my cheek and stands to leave.
“I’ll call you, and we can set something up this week.”
I turn my head and find Claire and Lilith’s heads together, smirking, while she types away on her phone. They share a devious look and then smile at me when they notice me looking at them.
“What are you two up to?” I ask.
“Sending a picture to a friend,” Lilith says innocently.
“Someone who would definitely be interested to know that you are making plans with Oliver,” Claire adds.
“So you texted Levi.”
“Yep.” Lilith smirks. “You’re welcome. Although Oliver is hot as fuck in case Levi doesn’t get his head out of his ass.”