“It’s not dark,” I point at the window behind me but remain seated. “How are you?”

“Good,” she picks up the bag that fell, “I’m good. I think I’m settling in here.”

“Hmmm,” I twirl a pen through my fingers, “don’t get too comfortable.”

“Why’s that?” She straightens as her eyes narrow at me.

“You never stick around too long is all. I was reminding myself that, not to get comfortable to seeing you.” I stand up to go grab a cup of coffee. When I pass by her, I’m assaulted by her unique fruity scent and almost reach out to pull her to me. I pause while I fight the torrent of feelings and memories coursing through my veins.

I should feel guilt at the look of hurt in her eyes as I walk out the door. I focus on the satisfaction instead. Giving her that tiny little cut felt as good as it did bad. I ignore the bad while I walk to the break room.

Taylor is in there with two of the lower level VPs of some sort. I don’t pay attention to their titles, especially when I can’t stand them. They’re standing around the Keurig gossiping like a bunch of women.

“I think I’m going to ask her out after work,” Taylor says while he stirs some sugar into his cup. “We had lunch together a few times last week, and I think she’s into me.”

“She’s hot as fuck, too,” VP of douchebaggery says.

“Did you see that dress she’s wearing today? I’d bend her over my desk.” Those charming comments come from the VP of sexual harassment.

“The green one?” Taylor asks. “Yes, she looks amazing.”

Oh fuck, no. They aren’t talking about Ives like this.

“Watch your mouths.” I shoulder my way between the three. “I know who you are talking about. She’s basically a part of my family. If I, or Frank, ever hear you talk about her like that again you will lose your job.” I sneer at the two VPs and send them scurrying off to their offices.

“I’m sorry,” Taylor says, “I didn’t mean anything disrespectful. I actually think Ivy is brilliant and beautiful. I’m in awe of her.”

I stop him by holding up a hand, “She is all those things. She’s also a lesbian.” I manage to give a sincere sympathetic smile, “sorry.”

“What?” His face falls, completely crestfallen. “All the good ones are. Damn. Thanks for the heads up, man.”

I smile to myself as he walks away. It was almost too easy. I obviously know I can’t chase off every guy who looks in her direction, but I’ll damn well try. I can keep the ones who work here away from her. Actually, I wonder what our corporate policy is on interoffice relationships.

I take my coffee back to our shared office, which I know Dad did to try to throw us together again. Speaking of which, he’s sitting in front of Ivy’s desk having a nice little chat with her about her weekend.

“How touching,” I say deadpan as I walk over to my desk. “A little former family chat.”

“Levi,” Dad warns.

“It must be nice to have Ivy here, just like old times around the dinner table.” I snap my fingers and point in their direction, “except Jennifer’s not here to tell Ivy how big of disappointment she is.”

I know I’ve gone too far when I catch Ivy’s eyes and see a sheen of tears before she has time to blink them away. My traitorous heart pinches, and remorse floods my body seeing the obvious pain in her eyes.

“LEVI!” Dad yells. “My office, now.”

I hear his mumbled apology as I walk out of our office and across the hall into Dad’s. My head is held high, but I’m internally drowning in shame. I, of all people, know how much of an effect her mother’s toxic behavior had on her. That comment was a straight up dick thing to say.

“What the fuck was that?” Dad says after he closes the door behind him.

“A factual statement.” Holy shit, it’s like Con has inhabited my body right now. I can’t stop the asshole comments from falling from my lips.

“Do you know how much work she’s put into moving past Jennifer’s toxicity?” Dad leans and gets in my face. “You want to come out of this with a shot of still being worthy of her? You better watch your mouth.”

I clench my jaw and give the slightest nod because even though I want her to hurt, I still want her. There’s no mistaking that attraction that still fires up between us. If I had any doubts before today, they’re gone now. I’m going to push her to the breaking point before pulling her back in and never letting her go again.

“Do you think she didn’t hurt leaving you as much as you did her?” Dad asks leaning against is desk. “You had Con, Griff, and Lilith to fall back on. She had no one.”

“She had Oliver, Parker, and Isaac.”