Ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off, I awoke halfway to an orgasm with Levi’s face between my thighs. Before I can even lift my brain from the fog of sleep, I’m coming on his tongue, feeling his satisfied smile against my stomach as he pressed sweet kisses against it, trailing up my body until his head pops out from under the covers.

“Good morning,” he says with a grin spreading across his stupidly beautiful face. “As much as I want to keep you under me all day, Dad and Jennifer are home, so you’ll need to sneak out.”

I can feel the heavy length of his erection pressed between us. He’s right, I should be sneaking out, but his body is so warm and enticing. I hook one leg around his hip and flip us, so I’m on top. “I’m on birth control and clean, are you?” I ask while I tease the tip of his dick by dragging my soaked pussy along it.

“Aside from a fictional case of crabs I’m clean.”

He didn’t even get the words out before I was sliding down his dick.

“Oh, fuck, Ives.” His hands grip my hips and hold on while I ride him. “Your pussy feels so fucking good I’m not gonna last long enough.” He moves one hand to my clit, swirling circles around it with the perfect amount of pressure.

As another orgasm starts to build, I arch my back and brace my hands on his powerful thighs to take him in at a different angle. He comes first, his fingers picking up speed on my clit and with the angle of his cock in me dragging across my g-spot my orgasm starts right as his ends.

He reaches up and pulls me down to his face, roughly kissing me and trapping me against his chest.

“Let’s wake up like this every day,” he says against my lips.

“We need to be careful.” I slide to side and pull his t-shirt off the floor. “If my dad found out, he would yank me out of here so fast. I don’t think we should tell anyone, Mason, Lilith, Connor, or Griff. None of them.”

He closes his eyes and nods. “I know.” He opens his eyes and pierces me with an intense look, “But no more random hook ups for either of us. I will fucking explode if I see another guy touch you.”

“Deal,” I nod. “I’d say it’s pretty clear I feel the same way after my scene last night. Who was that anyway? She doesn’t go to FPA.”

“I dunno,” he shrugs. “She served her purpose though,” he chuckles. “What are you doing today?”

“Shopping with Lilith.”

“Gonna get the hoodrat some new clothes, good deal.”

“Don’t call her that.” I roll my eyes, and the asshole just winks at me. “I’m going to go get ready. I’ll see you later.”

“Kiss first.” He flings the covers off and stands up completely naked. I will never understand his complete nonchalance when it comes to nudity, his or others. I don’t hate it though. I rise up on my tiptoes to give him what he wants, and he takes the opportunity to slap my bare ass under his shirt. “Better get moving. You don’t want to keep Hoodrat waiting.”

I give him an over-the-shoulder wave after gathering my clothes and sneaking back across the hall.



Weeks goby of Ives and I sneaking around. It’s relatively easy at home, especially when Jennifer goes into the city with Dad. Even if one or both of them are home, they rarely come to our wing of the house, so we don’t worry too much.

Things have been smooth sailing for our secret relationship aside from a disagreement the weekend we spent in NYC for Hoodrat’s birthday weekend. The pressure of keeping this hidden from everyone has been increasing. I wanted to sleep in her room, but she was adamant that we continue the status quo. I’ve caught Griff watching us with an inquisitive eye a few times; I’m sure he’s pieced it together. If Con wasn’t all caught up in his relationship with Hoodrat, he would, too.

Dad texted me this morning, asking me to hunt down some tax documents in his home office before I go to school. Ives has already started preseason conditioning with the swim team, so I don’t bother looking for her when I leave my room. I stop in the kitchen, say hello to Babs, and grab the protein shake she has waiting for me.

Dad’s office is right next to the master suite of rooms. I let myself in and walk over to his desk, pulling open the unlocked drawers first, just in case. When the forms aren’t in any of those drawers, I open the safe and grab the spare desk keys. I spend about twenty minutes thumbing through various files and documents and still don’t see them.

My eyes land on Jennifer’s desk, tucked away in the corner of the office under the window. They filed last year’s taxes together so maybe the files will be there. I work my way down the drawers in her desk and finally find the tax forms lying on the bottom of the drawer. I stop dead in my tracks when I pull the files out and a pile of envelopes topple down from where they were stacked in the far reaches of the drawer.

I pull the stack out and immediately see red. A stack ofmyletters to Ivy and hers to me are bound together by a rubber band. They are unopened, but how the fuck would she have gotten them? They were sent back and forth from my house to Ivy’s boarding school. I text an SOS to the group chat with the guys and wait for them to get here. No one’s going to give us any shit for skipping. I also text Mason a heads up to follow Hoodrat closely; she’s got a constant protective detail after an incident that left her with second degree burns. Even though we took care of Margaux, the assailant, she still has minions running around the school.

I’ve opened all the letters and started reading through them. I forgot how confused and sad I was at Ives ghosting me after our last night at camp. Up until then, the longest we’d gone without writing each other was only about ten days, and that was just if one of us was out of the country. I was so raw and sad, the pain I felt bled onto the pages of the last few letters I sent. I’m so absorbed that I don’t even hear Con and Griff come into the office until I see a paper cup of to-go coffee land in front of me.

“What’s going on, Lev?” Griff asks from over my shoulder.

“I just found all these letters in Jennifer’s desk.” I had them each part of the pile. “Do you remember freshman year when I was so upset?”

“Yeah, you were a moody bitch for months,” Con says as he fingers his pile.