“Wes and Felix are at Casa Vieja,” Griff checks his phone. “According to Con, Felix asked Lilith for her number, too. What’s the plan?”
“A fist to the fucking face for both of them,” I snarl. “Then threats against their family businesses if they ignore our warnings again.”
“Works for me,” Griff agrees, “I’ve been bored as fuck recently. I wouldn’t mind destroying some lives.”
“Are we going to wait in the parking lot for them or grab them and pull them out?” I ask. Con would want to go as aggressive as possible if he were here because, for some reason, he can’t see things clearly when it comes to Lilith. I wait for Griff’s response, he’s the most coldly rational of the three of us.
“I think we should wait, maybe fuck with their cars while we do so.” Griff answers. “According to Meggie, they should be done in about ten minutes.” Meggie is a girl who goes to FPA on scholarship and is a server at the restaurant. She gives us information from time to time in exchange for our protection.
I pull into the parking lot and see Felix’s flashy red Corvette. Only a thirsty dickhead would drive a red sports car. They must have driven together because I don’t see the Audi that Wes drives anywhere.
We get out and stand by the Corvette, I lean against it while Griff bends down and starts letting the air out of the back tires. About fifteen minutes pass before we hear them walking across the parking lot.
“What’s up?” Wes nods at us.
“Did you hit up Ivy and Lilith for their numbers today?” I snap.
“Yeah, man. Lilith is hot as fuck. I know you don’t want her around, but there’s no harm in pounding that pussy first, right?” Felix humps the air in front of him.
My fist connects with Felix’s face, and he tumbles to his ass, blood pouring from his nose.
I look over at Wes. “Did you forget that Ivy is off limits? Same rules for this year as last year.”
“Last year Oliver was fu-” his statement is interrupted by my right hook.
“Ivy and Lilith are off limits.” I spit down on both the assholes bleeding on the ground.
Griff crouches in front of them. “Stay away from both of them, or I’ll ruin your lives.” He threatens quietly. “I haven’t destroyed anyone’s hopes and dreams in too long. Wes, did you know your mom is snorting away all your dad’s money every weekend at the club?” He looks over at Felix, “And there’s a nasty rumor going around about embezzlement at your dad’s accounting firm. It would be a shame for the Feds to hear that rumor, no?” He pats them both on the cheek condescendingly before standing back to his full height and walking to my SUV.
“Hungry?” I ask after we get back in.
Both Griff and I agree on picking up pizza and going back to Griff’s house for dinner. One the way there, I decide to poke Con a bit about Lilith tonight. Push him to start looking at that situation rationally. She’s not going to fuck his dad; she actually seems to be pretty irritated with the situation in general.
“We need to ask Con what he wants to do for his birthday.”
“Oh, shit. Yeah.” I suck at remembering birthdays. “It’s Saturday, right?”
“How long do you think it’ll take until Con realizes he’s into the hoodrat?” I ask when Griff gets back in the car with the pizzas.
“He already knows. He’s just fighting it.”
“I told Ivy to befriend her.” I confess looking for his reaction out of the corner of my eye. “I actually think she seems dope as fuck. I knew those two would hit it off.”
“I’ll follow Con’s lead for now, but I’m not doing anything drastic until we have a better idea of who she is.”
“No psychopathic threats of ruining her life?”
“Not yet,” he smirks like the savage beast he can be. “Con said he’ll be over a few minutes after us.”
* * *
The rest of week goes by fairly uneventfully. We have our first game tonight, and I am so pumped for it. We’re playing a prep school from Pennsylvania; we’ve only played them a few times, and they always challenge us. Ives and my dad will be sitting together in their reserved seats, and Con and Griff will be there, too. Aside from the guys on the field with me, they’re the only ones I care about.
“Hey,” Mason says walking up behind me in the locker room, “did you hear about Ferguson and the new girl?”