I shouldn’t be surprised or hurt, but damn if I can’t stop the tears from pricking my eyes. I open my nightstand drawer and drop them inside it. I walk over to the full-length mirror in my closet and take my uniform off, so I’m just standing in my bra and panties.

Is she right?

Am I so flat chested that guys will be turned off?

Are my muscles ugly?

I don’t know how long I spend standing in front of my mirror, tearing my body apart with negative self-talk. The only thing that brings me out of it is Levi barging into my room. I squeak and slam the closet door closed. I throw on a sundress and grab a pair of wedge sandals.

“You saw me naked this morning, it’s only fair that I see you naked tonight,” Levi says with a smirk when I emerge from the closet.

“Not happening, bro,” I retort as I walk by him.

“You liked what you saw.”

“Naw, I was just surprised by how small your dick looks with all those muscles.”

“He’s a grower, not a shower,” Levi says completely unaffected by my attempt at a dig as we walk down the hall.

We get to the dining room before Mom and sit to wait until she shows up. Levi’s phone chirps, and he pulls it out of his pocket. He grunts and shoots me an indecipherable look before his thumbs start flying across the screen. He abruptly pushes away from the table.

“Change of plans. I have to go take care of some stuff with Con and Griff.” He hesitates beside my chair. “Will you be okay with your mom?”

“Yeah, I’ve dealt with her shit for seventeen years. One dinner alone won’t kill me.”

“Okay,” he bends and kisses my temple, “see you later. I might be late.”

“Bye.” I watch him leave. The black trousers he had on for dinner are hugging his tight ass perfectly, and the white polo shirt stretched across his back and shoulders. No one should look that good, it’s not fair to my hormones.



You could have knockedme over with a fucking feather when I saw a text from Oliver flash across my phone. He and I were coolly civil at best last year, throwing punches most of the other times. I lost track of how often we ended up in the ring against each other on fight nights at The Abyss. The only reasons I didn’t kill him were that he treated Ives with respect and their relationship kept the other assholes at bay. Still didn’t mean I liked the British twat though.

Oliver: Ivy told me Wes Sampson asked her out today. He is a fucking wanker, and you need to keep him away from her. She isn’t taking my warnings seriously.

Me: Says you.

Oliver: Don’t be a prick. You and I both know he’s bad news. I used to listen to his stories about the girls he’d fuck. I know you care about Ivy, don’t let her be another notch on his bed post.

Me: Yeah, thanks for the heads up

I shoot a text to my group chat with Con and Griff.

Me: Wanna help fuck some assholes up?

Griff: I’m in.

He’s standing outside his house when I pull up looking intrigued. I’ve barely come to a stop when he pulls the door open and slides in.

“What’s going on?” he asks while he buckles up.

“Wes Sampson asked Ivy for her number.” I check my phone to see if I have anything from Con, but he hasn’t even read the message yet. “Oliver texted me to let me know.”

“Ivy’s Oliver?” he asks surprised. “Isn’t he in at Oxford?”

“He’s not her anything,” I growl. “And yes, he is, but they talk regularly. He reached out to me when she wasn’t receptive to his warnings about Wes.”