“Good,” she steps back and looks me up and down. “What do you want for breakfast?”

“Avocado toast with a runny sunny-side up egg?”

“You got it. I’ll have it ready in about an hour, does that work?”

“That’s perfect.”

I take the back stairs to avoid any possible run ins with my mom. I don’t need that drama on my first day back at FPA. As soon as I get to my room, I scroll through my Spotify playlists to find the right vibe for the morning. “Glitter” by BENEE fills Bluetooth speakers in my bathroom, and I flip the shower on. I spend a little extra time than usual deep conditioning my hair. Between the chlorine and heat styling, my hair is always dry.

I finish getting dressed and ready and stop by Levi’s room. I’m about to knock but remember how he made himself at home in my room yesterday and let myself in instead. I immediately regret that decision.

Levi walks out of the bathroom completely naked at the exact same moment that I walk into his room. He pauses, surprised, but just as quick a cocky grin crosses his lips. I, however, squeak and turn bright red in embarrassment. Logically, I know I should leave the room or turn away,but I can’t help but stand and stare.

He looked bigger yesterday, like he had grown both stronger and taller, and now I know he has. The cuts of muscle on his body are each a little more defined, a little bulkier, a lot sexier. My eyes go on a hot guy safari, starting at his shoulders, moving down his chest, past his eight-pack abs, and following that delicious V. I try really hard to avert my eyes from his cock, but it’s right there and really starting to love the attention I’m giving it. I force my eyes away and take in his muscular thighs and calves.

“Jesus, Ives,” his voice sounds strangled, “you done eye fucking me yet? We can move on to actual fucking. I could go for a morning quickie. It’s been a few days since my dick’s seen any action.”

His taunt hits me like a bucket of ice water. “I just wanted to say thanks for the cold brew. I see you’re back to being an arrogant asshole so that’s all.” I don’t stop when he says my name, but I do feel a glimmer of satisfaction when I hear drawers slamming in his room.

I know he feels like he has to play a role at school and to a certain point, I don’t disagree with him. I know he, Connor, and Griffin actually do keep the majority of the school in line. I just hate when he directs that attitude at me, especially at home. It’s like he steps into this fuck boy swagger and becomes a different person. I like my sweet, thoughtful, deep Levi. The one no one else gets to see.

I finish breakfast and grab my bag to leave. At least I have my own car so I’m not at Levi’s mercy this year. I put the top down and watch as Levi climbs in G Wagon. He pulls out first, and I follow right behind him, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the wind in my hair.

When we pull into the long drive leading up to the campus, I see a tall blonde walking along the edge of the road, her leather bag slung over a shoulder. Levi damn near hits her sending her to her knees in the gravel on the side of the road.

I pull over in front of her, assuming this is Lilith. I know I’ve never seen her before and FPA isn’t that big of a school. She stands and gives me a reluctant look when I offer a ride. Levi was right. She does look like she could be his sister or something. Her eyes are lighter shade of blue but framed by the same thick black lashes. Her hair is long and almost white blonde, but the natural kind, not the phony attempts from a bottle. She’s got a banging body too, hourglass curves that show through our school uniform.

We introduce ourselves, and when I park beside Levi, I make sure to voice my annoyance at his shit driving. After we pick up her schedule and discover we share several classes, we walk to seminar together. I give her as much of a tour as possible on the way.

I barely hold back an eye roll when we walk into seminar and see we share the class with all three guys. I’m sure they were behind this. Griffin probably hacked into the school system to put us all together. I try to ignore the sexual innuendos that Levi tosses Lilith’s way but can’t help but laugh when she throws his bullshit right back at him. He was right, I think I’m in love with her already. She literally gives zero fucks about any of these people.

Most of the morning goes by quickly. I’m walking into my communications class when I feel a meaty arm tug me into a side hug. There’s only one guy allowed to touch me like this, so I immediately know who it is and turn into him for a big bear hug.

“Mason! How was your summer?” I say as he lifts me off the ground and squeezes me.

“Boring without you around. Levi was like a lost puppy all summer.” He sets me back down.

“I doubt that.” I take a step back and look up at my sweet friend’s face. He’s grown too, although he’s always been huge. About an inch shorter than Levi but twice as wide and thick, according to Frank that’s why he’s such a good lineman. He can see over him, but he’s strong enough to hold the pocket. “You in Com?” I ask pointing to the door I was about to enter.

“Yep, we can sit together.” He drags me in the room behind him. We grab seats side by side in the back row.

I’m pulling out a pencil when someone plops down in the desk in front of me. When I look up, I see Wes Sampson looking right at me. He was on the soccer team last year with Oliver. He’s cute in the polished way all the FPA boys are, clean cut with nicely styled hair, flashy watches, and expensive cologne.

“Hi Ivy.” He says while he clearly checks me out.


“Still with Oliver?”

“No,” way to cut to the chase, “we didn’t want to do the long-distance thing.” My skin prickles with awareness, and I know Mason is tuned into this conversation. Probably two seconds away from texting a report to Levi.

“Oh really? That’s good news for me, then, isn’t it?” His hazel eyes gleam brightly.

I’m about to really turn on my flirt game, knowing it’ll get back to Levi when the teacher walks in. I wouldn’t turn down a date with him. It’ll keep me distracted from Levi. I give him a look that I hope conveys my interest, and he winks at me.

When I turn my head in Mason’s direction, he’s wearing a frown of disapproval. He rips a sheet of paper off his notepad and scrawls something before handing it over to me.

You and Levi belong together. You know it. He knows it. Everyone knows it. Quit fucking around.