He sits down in Mr. Jameson’s chair and rolls between my thighs. “I know you said you weren’t hungry but I am.” He looks up at me, his eyes twin pools of emerald desire. “I’m going to have my lunch right here.”

Before what he’s planning to do even registers with me my legs are spread wide open by his shoulders. I gasp and start to try to get away when he slips a finger into my panties and moves them to side. His tongue flicks out and runs the length of my slit and up to my clit. He repeats the motion a few times and my head spins. It feels so good, but it’s so bad. I moan loudly when he adds one of his magic fingers and starts working me with both.

“Ride my face, Lily.” He whispers against my thigh before diving back in. I grab the edge of the desk as my hips grind my pussy against his face and I reach my peak.

“Fuck.” I whisper as I come back down, running my hands through his hair. “I can’t believe I just let you do that to me here,” I laugh.

He fixes my panties, winks, and runs his hands up and down my thighs. “Now when you are in this room all you’ll ever think about is my face buried between your legs.”



I fumble around in the dark for my phone. I already know who it is and why he’s video calling me at 4:47 am on October 1st. I blink a couple times at the screen as my eyes adjust to the light. I swipe accept.

“Hi Dad.”

“Happy Birthday, sweet pea!” He’s already dressed and chugging a protein shake. “You’re 18 which means I can kick you out of the nest. Adios!”

“You are insane.” I smile through sleepy eyes. “Are you going to keep doing this forever? Waking me up at the ass crack of dawn every birthday.?”

“Yes. Don’t complain, you did this to yourself. You could have picked a decent hour to be born but, oh, no. Not Lilith Marie Nelson. Nope, she had to come storming into the world in less than hour, in the middle of the night.”

“In the middle of the hospital parking lot, I know. I’ve heard the story once or twice.”

“Seriously though, sweet pea, I’m sorry I’m not there this morning. Go back to sleep. I’ll see you tonight. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

I put my phone back on the charger and fall right back asleep.

When my actual alarm goes off I get up and text Connor that I’m about to shower so he knows to come help me put the cream and gauze back on after I dry off. We’ve been doing this all week while dad has been in the city with Victor. I’m not sure who dad thinks is helping me but he doesn’t ask and I don’t offer. I bet the thought of me in nothing but a towel with Connor is not something he wants to dwell on.

I’m brushing my teeth when Connor comes in. He’s already dressed which is unusual, he usually comes in before he gets ready. He walks up behind me and kisses my neck.

“Happy birthday, Lily.” He whispers along my jaw. I never liked being called Lily before but I really love that Connor uses it in private moments.

“How did you know?” I smile, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

“Griff told me last week. Good thing, too, I’m annoyed you didn’t tell me.” He scowls at me.

“Birthdays aren’t usually a big deal to me.” I shrug handing the cream over my shoulder to him.

“This is looking better.” He rubs the cool cream over my heated skin, making me wince. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I haven’t looked at it since Saturday.”

“All done,” he says as he tapes the gauze down. “Come down to the kitchen after you get dressed. There’s a surprise waiting.”

“Okay,” I draw out the word. “Should I be afraid?”

“No, you’ll like it.”

“Hmmm, we’ll see.” I shoo him out. “Get out then, so I can get dressed and dry my hair.”

Since it’s my birthday I decide to dry my hair straight instead of letting it dry in it’s wavy natural texture. I even throw on some lip gloss and mascara. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

I can hear muffled voices and when I step into the kitchen I see Connor, Levi, Ivy, Griffin, and Edward sitting around the island. Delores is frosting cinnamon rolls.