“I was just appreciating the books you have here.” I turn back to the shelves. I don’t need to inflate this asshole’s ego any more than it already is. “It’s impressive.”
“You a secret bookworm?” He fingers a lock of my hair and leans against one of the shelves.
“Bookworm yes, secret no.” I knock his hand away which only makes him smile at me. “If I wasn’t hanging out with Z growing up I was at the local branch of our public library in Chicago.”
“What’s your favorite book?”
“I honestly couldn’t say. I don’t even have a favorite genre.”
“Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia?” He asks as he pulls the first of each series out.
“Narnia.” He slides them both back in after I answer. “The Scarlet Letter or The Great Gatsby?” I ask him.
“Scarlet Letter for sure. I’ll take Hester Prynne over Daisy Buchanan any day. Plus Boston versus Long Island, it’s not even a contest.” He scoffs. “Your dad threatened me today.”
I double take at the abrupt change of subject and then I laugh. “He’s protective.”
“No kidding. He had me against the wall and said he’d kill me if I hurt you.”
“Ha,” she rolls her eyes, “did you tell him you’ve already tried?”
“I’ve never wanted to hurt you.” He steps into my space. “I just wanted to make you miserable enough to leave.” His hands land on my hips and he pulls me close. “Now I just want you close.” He runs his nose along mine gently. “I never want to watch you walk away.”
The air around us electrifies. “Do you feel that?” His eyes look like two shining emeralds as they hold mine. “The chemistry between us is palpable, tangible.” He looks down at my lips and I look at his. “We’re inevitable.”
He brushes his lips against mine lightly. It’s just a tease, like he’s trying to draw me in and fuck if it’s not working. I want to wrap myself around him and let him do all the dirty things he whispers in my ear. My traitorous body aches to press against him. I can’t let myself fall into his trap though, I’m not going to be one of those girls who falls at his feet. So I step back and push his hands off my hips and then I walk away.
It takes every ounce of self control for me to not turn around and look at him as I pick up my bag and my phone. How can he say things like he wanted me miserable so I’d convince my dad to give up the best opportunity he’s ever had and then expect me to let him kiss me? What kind of delusional world does he live in? I can’t just forget all the things he’s done to me. How he’s spoken to me. How he declared open season on me at school.
Then a more sinister thought invades my head. What if he’s acting interested just to mess with me, working the long game. A ploy to annihilate my spirit. It could all be an act. I pull out my phone to text Ivy. I need to talk this out.
Me: Do you think Connor is fucking w me? Playing the long game w me just 2 destroy me at the end?
Ivy: I want 2 say no.
Me: But…
Ivy: He’s cruel. I wouldn’t b surprised.
Me: I know. He kept asking me all these random questions today after he helped me w physics. He claimed he wants 2 get know me better. Then he tried 2 tempt me into kissing him.
Ivy: Did u?
Me: No, but I was damn tempted.
Me: Why does he have 2 b such a huge asshole when he’s so smart and attractive?
Ivy: All the hot ones are.
Me: It’s bullshit.
Ivy: Right. Do you want me 2 subtly ask Levi questions? I can’t guarantee the honesty of his answers but it might b better than nothing?
Me: No
Me: Yes
Me: I don’t fucking know