Ask me if I ever thought I’d be delivering warm cookies to a girl I swore to torment and the answer would be a resounding no. Yet, here I am, plate of warm cookies in hand and knocking on her door. I feel like a pussy, mainly because I have jittery happiness inside because I get time with her alone.

She opens the door with the narrowed eyes she saves for me. “Connor.”

“Peasant.” She rolls her eyes and starts to shut the door. I stick my foot in the way. “Delores wanted me to deliver some cookies.”

The door opens back up and she reaches for the plate. “Come in I guess.” She walks into the living room. “Thank you for bringing them up.”

I walk around, looking at the pictures they have up on the walls. There’s a collage of Lilith as a baby. Giant blue eyes and curly blonde pigtails, sometimes alone and sometimes with Michael but never with a woman or mother figure. “Do you not have any pictures of your mom?”

“I think dad has them somewhere but I don’t really care to see them. She took off when I was barely four so I don’t really remember her.” She shrugs and curls her legs under her on the couch. “While we’re talking about moms, I’ve seen the family pictures hanging up around the house. Where are your mom and sister?”


“Oh.” I can see the curiosity in her eyes but she doesn’t ask anything more and I don’t offer. She takes a bite of a cookie and lets out a combination of a purr and a moan. It has my dick swelling instantly. A mental image of her taking my cock in her mouth while she makes that noise infiltrates my brain and I can’t shake it. “These are sooo good.” She takes another bite and makes the same sound.

I sit down beside her on her couch, dying to reach out and touch her. I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out what to talk to her about without going all intense, crazy, asshole on her. Before I even think about what I’m saying this question flies out of my mouth. “Who are you going on a date with?” I can’t even make my voice sound neutral, the question leaves my lips like an accusation.

“No one.” She instantly goes on the defensive. “I really don’t understand why you care.”

“Me neither.” I say under my breath. When I look up at her I notice she has some chocolate on her lip. “You have chocolate,” I trail off while I lift my hand to wipe her lip with my thumb. Neither of us looks away and I see the flash of desire I have for her mirrored back at me. I lean in slowly, giving her every opportunity to pull away. When she doesn’t I press my lips softly against hers. I glide my tongue along the seam of her lips seeking entry.

Her lips part for me and I sweep in with commanding and sure strokes of my tongue against hers. She moans against me and scoots closer to me on the couch. I cup her face with my hand while her hands dive into my hair. I can’t remember the last time I kissed someone like this, with it not leading to sex. Our hands never go south of our shoulders, although I’m dying to get my hands on her.

This kiss is electric. The desire between us lashing out like a live wire. I never want it to end but her phone buzzes with a text, drawing us out of our haze. I look at her hooded eyes and rub my thumb across her lips one more time.

“Remember that kiss when you’re on your date with ‘no one,’” I say coldly. I’m playing mind games so hard I don’t even know what the point is anymore. I get up and leave without another word.



The next morning I text Ivy and ask her to pick me up at 7:30 so we can go for a coffee run. The less I have to deal with Connor and his emotional whiplash, the better. I slink down to the foyer and Edward appears out of nowhere, just like I was hoping he would.

“Good Morning, Lilith.” He checks his watch. “You are up and ready early.”

“My friend Ivy is picking me up for coffee before school today. Would you mind letting Connor know he doesn’t have to wait for me today?” I see Ivy’s baby blue convertible speed up the drive.

“Of course.” He opens the door for me. “Have a wonderful day.”

“Thanks, Edward.” I call over my shoulder. I wouldn’t say I run to Ivy’s car but I definitely move quicker than usual. Is it cowardly to run as fast and far as possible from Connor? Probably. Do I care? Nope.

“Hey girl!” Ivy says as I get in. She drives off before I’m even buckled up.

“Hi,” I sigh in relief. “Thanks for coming to pick me up early.”

“No problem.” She glances over at me. “What happened?”

“I have a date tonight.”

“Ooo,” she squeals, “who?”

“His name is Mateo. He works on the estate doing landscaping and he goes to the local college.” I tell her.

“Slumming it with the help, nice,” she says and for a minute I think she’s serious. Then peals of laughter escape. “Your face.” More laughter. “Hilarious.” She wipes a tear and then sobers. “That’s what almost everyone at Founders will think though. Vapid idiots.”

“Yeah, well, I might as well be the help. My dad is doing personal security for Victor on top of helping him overhaul his corporate security.”

“True. Connor’s nickname for you really has caught on. Peasant.” She rolls her eyes. “So are we just running a date game plan this morning or was there more?”