After bringing in all my boxes and setting dad’s in his room, I grab my suitcase and pull everything out until I find my bikini. I get changed, grab my phone and ear buds to go nap by the pool. No one’s out around which is just fine by me. I’m not really interested in meeting Connor. I send Z a text that we made it and tell him to FaceTime when he gets home from work.



“Who’s the smoking hot blonde laying out by your pool?” Lev asks staring out my window. “Damn.”

“It’s probably the new security guy’s daughter.” I walk over to the window and look down. She is wearing a green and white polka dot bikini. I can’t see her face because she’s laying on her stomach but she looks good. More than good. She’s going to be a problem, I can feel it already. I can’t believe Victor is paying her tuition for Founders Prep. Christ. Every asshole in the school is going to try to fuck her. I just want her to leave, go back to Chicago where she belongs.

“Let’s go introduce ourselves,” Lev says, practically drooling. “Who’s going to fuck her first?”

“None of us. She’spersona non grata.We need to chase them away. We’re spreading the word at school, too. No one touches the new girl. No one befriends her. Otherwise they risk the wrath of the Titans.” I hate that nickname. It started after an article was printed about our fathers and how they were each the titans of their respective industries and then the kids at school picked it up for us. In situations like this though, it comes in handy.

The three of us, Lev, Griff, and myself, run that school. We go where we want, sit where we want, leave when we want, and do what we want. The teachers can’t do shit. The headmaster can’t do shit. We run the school like our parents run the town, really even run the state. Actually, it’s just my dad. My mom doesn’t run shit, she runsfromshit. All the way to County Cork in Ireland to her family’s ancestral estate and she took my sister, Claire.

“We should unleash Margaux and the girls on her,” Griff suggests. “That way we can keep our hands clean, should any blow back occur.” I mull that option over. Letting Margaux declare open season on the new girl will definitely send a message. I’ve seen her break people in under a week. Where I’m ruthless, Griff is cunning and Lev, well, he destroys girls with his dick and his love them and leave them mentality.

“Let’s go meet her.” I head out of my room and grab a glass of ice water on the way out to the patio. She’s still laying out, on her back now and I take a minute to appreciate how gorgeous she is. Platinum blonde hair, ivory skin, some irritatingly adorable freckles over her nose, perfect natural tits, flat stomach with perfectly curved hips and long legs.


My dick is at half mast after checking her out and I notice Lev and Griff both take a second to readjust themselves. I walk up beside her and dump the ice water all over her chest. Her eyes fly open in shock and she squeaks in outrage.

“What the actual fuck!” She jumps up, tits giving a perfect bounce.

“Oops,” I smirk.

“Oops? Oops!”She puffs her chest up and gets in my face. “What the fuck was that for?”

“I don’t recall telling any of the staff or staff adjacent that they could use the pool today. We’re going for a swim now.”

“Victor said I could. Pretty sure he holds more authority here than his punk offspring,” she seethes.

Oh, she’s feisty. I knew she’d be a challenge.

“Cold?” Lev points at her nipples rudely. “Maybe you should go put some clothes on.”

“If you can’t handle nipples maybe you should be a little more careful with your ice water,” she tosses right back. Her ocean blue eyes narrowing at him.

“Oh, sweetheart, I can handle nipples.” He reaches his hand out toward her and just as her eyes widen in fear he brushes a stray lock of blonde hair from her shoulder. “If I find the body they’re attached to interesting.” He makes a show of looking bored while he checks her out head to toe.

“I’m sure interesting to you just requires a readily available hole.” If I didn’t want to push her away I’d laugh. She actually nailed Lev with that one. She looks over at me. “I guess you are Connor?”

I nod. “That’s Levi and Griffin.” I look down my nose at her in a way that makes most people feel inferior. “We’re having friends over today for a swim so you need to go back to your quarters. Stay out of our way.”

“Gladly.” She grabs her phone and ear buds and walks off, no towel or cover-up on. Perfect heart shaped ass swinging defiantly. Then she throws her middle finger over her shoulder at us without looking back. We turn away from the door so she doesn’t catch us watching her.

“Holy fuck dude. I have to hit that.” Lev whines. “Just once. Or five times. Did you see those tits?Jesus.”

“No.” If anyone is going to fuck her it’ll be me but I don’t say that out loud.

“She’s going to be a problem,” Griff echos my earlier thoughts.

“Rally the troops,” I tell Griff as he pulls out his phone.

* * *

Half an hour later my back yard was filled with the kids I go to school with. I don’t consider them friends, just people I have to tolerate for one more year. I’ve known most of them my whole life and I can say without a doubt I am unimpressed. They let us Titans run everything without even trying to push back. I glare in their direction and they scatter like a bunch of gutless chickens.