“You guys need to let it go. He’s fired.”
“Just saying.” He holds his hands out in front of him in mock surrender.
“You are as bad as Connor. Always getting in the last word. I’d love to see a disagreement between you two.”
“We haven’t fought since seventh grade when I caught him kissing my sister.” Griff chuckles like it’s a fond memory. “I punched him and gave him a bloody nose.”
“Pretty tame. I bet if he caught you kissing Claire he would do more than give you a bloody nose.”
“True. My sister is older than us though. Claire is younger so it would be worse.”
We walk into seminar side by side and I ignore Connor as he tries to get my attention. I smile and side hug Ivy and Levi. Mason and Jace are both talking to Levi and they get fist bumps from me. I notice Connor texting out of the corner of my eye and am not surprised when I feel my phone vibrate.
Connor: Sorry I was a dick this morning, Lily. I’m not used 2 being accountable 2 anyone but myself. I don’t want u 2 think I’m being shady.
Connor: Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. -Aristotle
Connor: Have patience with me and I promise to make it worth it.
Ugh. I can’t be mad now.
Instead of replying I run my fingers through his inky, soft hair at the base of his neck. I watch the tension leave his shoulders at the contact. Then my phone vibrates again.
Connor: The next time u have a tantrum and drive yourself 2 school instead of riding w me I’m going 2 spank u.
Me: Promises promises
Connor: I’ll find an empty classroom and bend u over in that skirt. Pull ur panties down around ur ankles and slap that delicious ass hard enough 2 leave my handprints all day.
I squirm in my seat and fight back the wave of heat his dirty words always bring out in me.
Connor: U r squirming in ur seat. Panties soaked yet?
Me: OMG stop
I spend the rest of seminar finishing up work I missed from yesterday. I have everything caught up by the time we are dismissed for our next class. Connor wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me out into the hall. He starts pulling me toward an empty janitor’s closet when I duck and spin out from under his arm.
“Gonna have to be sneakier then that,” I tease over my shoulder as I walk in the opposite direction. “I don’t want to miss class today.”
* * *
“So,” Connor says after ordering lunch for both us, “we should talk about Homecoming. I have to go to a charity gala with Victor that night. He’s being honored for his work on the Council for Energy Initiatives, which focuses on moving the energy industry from fossil fuels to renewables. He is not giving me a choice on whether or not to attend.”
“Which means you get to level up for the night and go with me.” Levi winks.
“Do I get a say in this?” I huff a laugh. “Maybe I’d rather go with Ivy.”
“Mmmm,” Levi says with a boyish grin, “that’d be hot.”
“I’m taking Ivy,” Griff says nonchalantly.
“That’s funny.” Ivy rolls her eyes. “I don’t recall anyone asking me.”
Griff reaches across the table and grasps Ivy’s hand. “Ivy, will you give me the pleasure of your company at Homecoming?” He sends a glance from the corner of his eye to Levi and then presses a kiss to her knuckles.
Ivy slants her eyes over to me, barely suppressing a roll of her eyes. “It’s not like I could say no.”