“What are you doing?” I say, surprised when he lays down behind me and slides between my parted legs. I start to move but he hooks his arms around my hips.

“You are going to sit on my face.” He doesn’t wait for my response before I feel his tongue lick me end from end. He slides two fingers back in me and pumps them in and out as he tongue circles my clit. His other hand reaches up and pinches my nipple.

I take one hand and fist it in his hair, my nails scraping his scalp and making him moan against my clit. My other hand cups the breast that he isn’t playing with. My hips rock against him as his fingers thrust deeper and he flattens his tongue over me.

My whole body is flushed on the verge of coming when he slides his fingers out of me and spreads my wet heat over my other hole. I tense up at the sensation of him running his finger around my tight hole. He stops in question but when I give a slight nod he slides his finger inside slowly. The feeling of him invading both simultaneously and licking my clit sends me crashing over the edge of the most intense orgasm he’s given me yet. My body quakes over him through the aftershocks.

Before I even comprehend what he’s doing he’s pushed me down his body and is sliding into me. His hips lift off the bed as he starts ruthlessly thrusting inside me, using me the way he needs. My breasts bounce as our bodies crash together and heat gathers low in my belly again.

“I need you to come again, Lily. I’m not going to last much longer.” Sweat gathers on his forehead.

I reach down and graze my clit softly with my fingers, setting off another earth shattering orgasm. He comes right after me, filling me with his hot cum as he shouts his pleasure.

“Fuck.” He whispers as I collapse on his chest. Completely spent and sated. “That was so good.”

I yelp when he smacks my ass and he groans when I lift myself off him and crawl under his covers. I fall asleep before he even comes back from the bathroom.

It’s dark outside when I wake up. The bed beside me is empty but still warm. I look over and see Connor come out of his closet. He’s wearing dark jeans and a black hoodie.

“Where are you going?” I ask him as he grabs his phone and wallet off his desk.

“I have something to take care of with Lev and Griff tonight.” He walks over and kisses my forehead. “There’s a sandwich and grapes on the nightstand for you. You slept through dinner so Delores sent it up.”

“What time is it?” I sit up letting the covers pool around my waist.

“Fuck, don’t do this to me,” he groans as his eyes dip to my breasts, “it’s a little after ten. I’ll back in a few hours. Stay here tonight.” He kisses me again. “I want to come home to you naked in my bed.”

I crawl across the bed on all fours and flip on the light, giving him an excellent view of my bare ass. “You sure you have to go?” I ask over my shoulder.

“You sure you were still a virgin less then a week ago?” His heated gaze rakes over my body so intensely I swear I can feel it like fingertips dragging over my skin. “Look at you, trying to entice me to stay with such a naughty display of your beautiful body.” He shakes his head. “I do have to go. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I kiss him goodbye and unwrap the beeswax paper from the sandwich. I put his uniform shirt on and walk over to his desk where a pile of papers are neatly stacked with my name on them. I work on all my assignments while I eat my dinner.

When I finish I take a long look around my boyfriend’s room. It’s insanely tidy, everything in it’s place. I slide open his desk drawers not looking for anything in particular other than to satisfy my curiosity. The contents of the drawers are just as pristine as the rest of his room.

“Boring Connor.” I mumble under my breath.

I look over at his night stands but I don’t think I’m ready to snoop there yet. I don’t want to find evidence of other chicks he’s fucked, if he collects panties from conquests or something. I could actually see him doing something like that. Instead I move into his attached lounge room. It’s also very clean with nothing out of place. There’s nothing deeply personal either, aside from pictures of him with Claire and some photos of him, Levi, and Griff.

On the coffee table I see a invitation to a charity gala. Apparently Victor is being honored for his work on directing the energy industry toward renewables. It’s the same day as homecoming so I guess I won’t be on Connor’s arm for the dance. I look at the clock and see he’s been gone about two and a half hours. After stifling a yawn, I decide to crawl in bed and go to sleep.

* * *

I wake up to a familiar warm and clean smelling body wrapped around me.

“Good morning, Lily.” He kisses my neck as his hand moves up my stomach to cup my breasts. “Sleep well?”

“Yeah. Would have been better if you didn’t disappear in the middle of the night.” I roll over to face him. His eyes are the color of the sun shining through spring leaves this morning, a bright verdant green. “Where did you go?”

“Just had to take care of some things with the guys. Don’t worry about it.” He dissmisses my question with a kiss on my nose. Something feels off about this. He has never outright dismissed me like this before, even when our relationship was antagonistic.

“Don’t keep secrets from me, Connor.” I pull away and get out of bed.

“There will always be some things I don’t tell you. It’s the way it has to be with me.”

His words hit me like a slap to the face. “Seriously?”

“Yes.” He sits up and I notice his knuckles are bruised and scabbed. “There are some things I won’t be able to share with you regarding my family and business. This shouldn’t be a surprise to you. You just signed an NDA this week.”