“No salacious intentions, sir.” Connor manages to look innocent. “I can promise you that. She does look lovely though.”
“Indeed, she does.” Victor smiles warmly at me as Edward opens the door for us. Victor motions for me to go first.
A large black SUV sits out front. The driver opens the door and I move back to the third row. Connor follows me and sits beside me. Dad and Victor each take one of the second row bucket seats. They start talking business right off the bat leaving Connor and I to sit in stilted silence. My phone buzzes with a text.
Zion: U look sexy AF
Me: Ha! Thnx
Zion: I’m serious
Zion: The rich boys wont kno what hit em
Me: Meh so far they’re not impressed
Me: Fine by me
Zion: They r idiots then
Zion: Where r u going
Me: Dinner with Dad’s new boss and his son
Zion: Fuck have fun wit dat
Me: Thnx I’ll call when I get home
Zion: k
Me: U 2
When I look up I catch Connor trying to read my texts out of the corner of his eye.
“What me to send you a screenshot?” I sass quietly.
“Yeah,” he drawls, “I really care about your conversations with one of your hood rat friends.”
My vision goes red. Calling Z a hood rat is so fucking offensive I want to scream every obscenity known to man at him but I need to keep decorum. So I lean across the bench seat toward him, close enough to smell his undoubtably expensive aftershave, with a smile on my face.
“Classist and racist.” I keep smiling. “Such wonderful breeding. I’m guessing you have a hefty dose of misogyny as well.”
“Don’t worry about my breeding, peasant,” he snips back with a gentile smile.
I scoot back against the window, confused as we pass straight through Founder’s Ridge. “Where are we going?”
“To the helicopter pad.” Victor looks back at me. “We’re going into the city for dinner.”
Oh great. My two biggest fears, flying and heights combined into one experience. Dad picks up on my distress.
“It’ll be okay, Lil.” He squeezes my knee and chuckles when he sees my terrified expression. “She’s not of fan of heights. Or flying,” he explains to Victor.
“Will this be your first time in a helicopter?” Victor asks.
“Yes, sir,” I reply quietly.
“It’s a short flight, only about an hour. I’m sure Connor can keep you distracted for the flight, right?” He directs a pointed look to Connor who just scowls.
The SUV pulls right up right beside a sleek black helicopter with Volkov Industries logo on the side. Dad and Victor each get out and Connor follows next. I’m shocked when I get to the door and Connor is waiting with an outstretched hand to help me out. Our palms meet and a spark tingles up my arm. I can’t see his eyes behind his aviators so I have no idea if he was affected or not.