“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispers over and over, “fuck, yes Lily. You suck my cock better than anyone ever has. I’m gonna come.” He warns me but I stay locked around him, ready for the warm earthy taste of him to fill my mouth. His abs flex as he comes.
He grabs me under the arms and drags me up to his face. “That was the best fucking wake up call I’ve ever gotten.” He kisses me hard. “You can do that anytime, Lily.”
“I like when you call me that. That you only call me that when it’s just us.” I say against his chest. “I used to hate that name but for some reason from you it sounds right.”
“Good. I like it, too.” His fingers run up and down my side. “Are you sore?”
“A little bit but I could probably go again.” I look up and wiggle my eyebrows at him. “Do you know what time it is?”
He flicks a button on his fancy watch. “It’s only 1 am.” His stomach growls at the same time mine does. We both chuckle. “Do you want ice cream? I have a couple pints in the freezer.”
“That sounds amazing.” I sit up and tuck the sheet over my breasts. He stands up and pulls on a pair of sweatpants, turning on a lamp before he goes and shooting a wink over his shoulder at me.
I reach over to the other night stand and grab my phone. Ivy and Z both sent me texts telling me they were going to need details in the morning. Normally I’d be itching to crawl beside Z and tell him all about everything but I realize this time I don’t want that. I want to stay in this room with Connor. In our little bubble where we both let the walls down. Where I see the sweet, sensitive Connor. Where he sees the shy, vulnerable me.
A warmth settles over my chest thinking about how sweet and gentle he was with me. It definitely hurt but then it didn’t. It was amazing to feel him moving inside me, to hear him moan my name as he came apart inside me.
“What are you thinking about?” Connor comes back in with a pint of mint chocolate chip and two spoons.
I blush and look away, feeling a little too vulnerable.
“My fingers? My tongue? My giant cock?” He asks with a wicked smile and his dimples fully on display. Dimples have always seemed so innocent to me, until Connor came along with his dirty mouth.
“You know,” I grab a spoon and scoop a bite, “your dick is bigger than I was expecting.”
“Really?” He drawls dryly.
“Yeah, I figured you had such a huge ego and were such an asshole you had to be compensating for a micropenis.”
“You’re a real piece of work, Lily,” he chuckles. “My cock and my ego are equally large.”
We eat quietly for a few minutes. Each of us stealing glances at the other.
“Okay,” Connor swipes his hand through his hair, “I just have to ask this. How are you, emotionally? Any regrets or anything?” He looks at me out of the corner of his eyes, almost like he’s too nervous to make full eye contact.
I pull the container out of his hand, putting both spoons in it and set it on the nightstand. Then I crawl into his lap, straddling him. I put my hands on either side of his face and tilt his head so we’re looking eye to eye. “No regrets. You made it so good for me.” I kiss him slowly at first until he grabs me by the hips and pulls my core over the erection tenting his sweatpants. We spend the rest of the night tangled naked together, learning each other’s bodies and connecting soul deep together.
I left Connor asleep and naked in bed which took a lot of self control on my part. I pad down the hall quietly since it seems everyone else is still asleep. After sliding open the door to the room I know Z took I crawl into bed beside him.
“Hey, Z,” I poke my best friend in the ribs, “wake up.”
He grumbles incoherently and wraps one of his huge arms around me.
“You smell like a dude.” He says sleepily while nuzzling my neck. “Did you have sex last night?”
“Yeah,” I giggle, actually fucking giggle, nervously. “It was really good. Shockingly good.”
“I told your friends I’m gay last night,” he says into the pillow. “They think I should keep fucking with Connor today.” Then his head pops up and he looks at me incredulously. “Griff and Levi had bet going about me being gay.”
“Oh, yeah. They do that. It’s crazy. They bet on me and Connor all the time, too. Not little bets either, big bets. Like a thousand dollar bets.”
“Rich kids,” he scoffs playfully.
“Right? Must be nice.”
“What must be nice?” Levi says from where he’s got his arms pressed against the door frame.
“Being rich as fuck,” I say over my shoulder at him.