I turn to her. “No.”
“No?” She rolls her eyes, readying for a verbal sparring match as she walks to me.
“No.” I shake my head. “I want you in my bed for the next two nights.” I grab her hips when she reaches me and pull her flush against me. “Nothing has to happen I just want to be close to you. To hold you.”
Who am I and what happened to my balls?
“Connor,” she grins, “you are losing all your dickhead street cred.”
“I know.” I kiss her. “What the fuck are you doing to me, Lily?” I whisper against her lips.
“Lil!” Ivy calls from the living room, breaking our moment.
“Coming!” Lilith calls over her shoulder.
“You will be tonight.” I smirk when she pushes my shoulder. “I’ll unpack the bags. You go relax. The fridge is stocked.”
I join everyone in the living room after I get things put away in my closet. I was glad to see Lilith packed a sexy little dress, it’ll be perfect for tomorrow night.
“Lev said he’ll be here in about an hour. The game just ended.” Griff says standing in front of the window, looking at the twinkling lights of the city. “We should probably go ahead and order dinner.”
“Yeah, he’ll be starving by the time he gets here.” Ivy adds.
Levi walks in the lobby right as I meet the Uber Eats delivery driver.
“Hell yes!” Levi exclaims like an excited puppy. “Perfect timing.”
“Did we win?”
“Of course.” He scoffs. “What’s the plan for tonight?”
“Just hanging out. I called Grant and reserved the VIP section at Indigo tomorrow night.”
“Sweet. I haven’t seen Grant in months.”
“Yeah, should be a good time.” I say as we walk through the front door.
I set the bags of thai out on the counter and call everyone over. Lilith helps me clean up when we’re done eating. While everyone is out in the living picking a movie and claiming a spot on the couches I back her up against the kitchen island.
“I like having you here in my space like this.” I kiss the soft skin of her neck while my hands trail under her shirt.
“Clearly.” She arches against me and presses her lips to mine. Her sweet tongue sweeps into my mouth. She pulls back a little and looks up nervously . “Do you want to skip the movie and go to bed?”
Is she suggesting what I think she is?
“Are you…” I trail off. I don’t want to be crude and ask if she means she wants to fuck but I also can’t turn in my man card and say ‘make love’ like some pussy. “Do you…”
“I’m ready, Connor. I want this. I want you. I trust you.” She presses sweet kisses against my lips between each statement.
My dick is instantly at attention but my heart feels like it’s going to explode out of my chest. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that I have her trust. I take a shuddering breath to collect myself. I really want to throw her over my shoulder and beat my chest like a cave man but I want to be respectful here. Her best friend is out in the living room and honestly he could take me in a fight, though I’ll never admit it.
I slide my hand in her’s and walk into the living room, hiding my erection behind her. “We’re actually pretty tired. I think we’re just going to head to bed.” I keep my voice level. I don’t know why I’m getting nervous, I’m not the one having sex for the first time. Levi and Griff both give me knowing looks and something passes between Lilith and Zion.
We walk into my bedroom holding hands and then she turns to me. She bites her lip and smiles shyly. She looks as nervous as I am when I step toward her. The lights are all off in the room but the blinds are open so she’s backlit by the city lights. Her hair looks more gold in this light as it falls down her back in soft waves.
I tilt her head back and kiss her slowly and deeply while my hands tangle in her hair. I pull back a little and rub our noses together gently. “If you want to stop at any point or if something I do doesn’t feel good, tell me.” I bend a little so I can look in her eyes. “Okay?”
“Okay.” She raises on her tiptoes and kisses me again, her arms winding around my neck.