“Follow safety protocol while you are in the city. Michael has a team up and running.” He cocks his head to the side. “You should run this by him before you say anything to anyone else though. He’s still in his office.”

“That was going to be my next step.”

After I get Michael’s okay, which I’m pretty sure he only gave because Zion was going, I head out to the foyer. Lev and Zion are talking sports in the corner and Lilith, Griff, and Ivy are off talking about some assignment they all have.

“Who wants to go to the city this weekend?” I ask as I walk in. “Victor and Michael are both down with us going tomorrow after school.” I point at Lev, “You can meet us after your game in Hartford.”

“Hell yeah,” Lev booms. “Have either of you ever been to New York?” He glances back and forth between Lilith and Zion.

“I had dinner there when we first moved here. Z hasn’t ever been though.”

“Ready for dinner?” Michael asks as he and Victor round the corner from where their offices are.

* * *

“Ready for the weekend?” I hold my arm out for Lilith and she tucks in beside me.

“Yeah, thanks for this. I’m excited and I know Z is too.” Her arm wraps around my waist and squeezes.

I stop and pull her to me for a kiss. “Me too.”

“Where are Ivy and Griff?”

“Meeting us at the airport.” I look over her shoulder at Zion. “You guys all set?”

“Yep.” He nods.

I still can’t figure out how he feels about me. I sat beside him at dinner and managed to keep myself in check. Mostly. I may have growled once or twice when he was twirling her hair around his finger. I might have slammed my water glass down on the table when he kissed her on the cheek. I’m only fucking human though, and a possessive as fuck one at that.

We did learn that Lilith was born in a hospital parking lot, Michael enjoyed sharing that story. Watching him with Lilith and Zion you could see how they formed a unit. It makes me wonder what she’s like around Zion’s family.

Apparently she also went through a stage where she’d break out into Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston songs at the drop of a hat. She didn’t like sauce on pizza when she was little and she hates all condiments except ranch. I soaked in every little detail like a sponge, hungry for every drop of knowledge about her.

I let Zion take the front seat of the town car Victor called for us for selfless reasons obviously. The dude is tall. It definitely had nothing to do with keeping Lilith to myself.

Nope. Not at all.

“What’s the plan?” Lilith looks over at me, her Caribbean blue eyes looking even more stunning with sun filtering through the windows.

“We’ll just chill around the penthouse tonight. Order dinner when Levi gets in. Then tomorrow we can do whatever you and Zion want to do.”

“Gonna play tourist with us?” She jokes.

“Yep.” I emphasize the p. “Tomorrow night I reserved the VIP section at a nightclub. You’ll be able to dance without worrying about someone bumping into your back.”

She links her fingers with mine and squeezes. She doesn’t let go until an hour and a half later when we’re getting off the helicopter and I kiss her knuckles. We grab our bags and I lead everyone down two flights of stairs to the level my penthouse is on.

I open my door, one of two on this level. The other belongs to my uncle who is rarely around. I flip the lights on and look over to check everyone’s reactions. Griff and Ivy aren’t phased, I know both their families have even nicer apartments than this in the city. I don’t miss Zion and Lilith’s shared raised eyebrows glance.

“This isyourapartment?” Lilith twirls her finger around.

“Yes. Mine as long as I want it. Victor has the full level above. My uncle is across the hall.” I answer, swinging the key ring around my finger.

“Nothing for Claire?” She arches an eyebrow at me.

“When she’s 18 she’ll have her own place in the company and the building.” I nod. “My room is on that end,” I point down a short hall to the left. “The other three bedrooms are down the hall to the right.” I pick up Lilith’s and my bags and carry them into my bedroom.

“That’s kind of presumptuous don’t you think?” Lilith stands in the doorway with a smirk. “Maybe I want to stay with Zion or Ivy.”