“Sounds good.” I shake him off with an amused smile.

When I get down to our apartment dad is giving Z the brief tour. I take his bag and bring it into my room. “At least we get a king size bed to share here. Beats that little twin I used to sleep on.” I laugh as he flops onto the bed. Even with it being a king size his feet still hang off the edge. “Someday when you’re making bank in the NBA you’ll be able to buy a custom bed that fits you.”

“After I buy mom and auntie a house.” He smiles. That’s always been his goal. To be able to take care of his mom, aunt, sister, and cousins. He’d be fine in a cardboard box as long as they’re safe and provided for.

“I’m going to change and then I told Connor we’d meet him in the kitchen to give you a little tour. There’s a half court outside. I bet Levi’ll want to play you when he gets here from football practice.”

I grab a pair of cropped leggings and tank top before throwing my hair up in a messy bun. Z does a double take when he sees he the bandages on my back.

“How are those burns doing?”

“Getting better.” I shrug dismissively. I don’t want to waste our time together talking about the nasty bitch that did this to me. She’s not worth it. “Let’s go downstairs.”

We meet up with Connor, Griff, and Ivy in the kitchen. I make introductions for everyone. Connor takes over giving a low key run down of all the rooms in the common wing. Then he takes us down to the lower level with the indoor pool, bowling alley, and shooting range. Levi shows up and we meet him out on the half court.

Levi’s shirtless and shooting from the free throw line, making every shot. Golden boy must be good at every sport not just football. I lean over to Ivy, “it’s kind of gross how athletic Levi is.”

“Girl, yes. His dad is just as bad, too. They turn everything into crazy ass competitions. Who can launch an empty bottle furthest with the most precision. Who can take the trash out the fastest.” She shakes her head back and forth.

“Was his dad an athlete too?”

“Yeah, he was the quarterback at some university. Michigan? Ohio State? Something like that.” We watch as Z walks over and introduces himself. “It’s crazy to see someone so much taller than Levi.”

It is weird, the dichotomy between the two. Golden boy Levi with his blonde hair, blue eyes, and golden tan. Then there’s Z with his dark, tattooed skin, moss green eyes, and curly dark hair. But then they’re both tall, Levi is only about three inches shorter than Z and both have bodies built by dedication to their sports with thickly corded arms and defined chests and abs.

“Maybe we should suggest they play shirts and skins.” Ivy jokes.

“Or all skins.” We both break into laughter. “I mean, seriously though. I know Connor and I are whatever right now but all of them are so attractive. Griff’s back tattoo.” We both sigh in sync.

As if they can sense us talking about them they all look over at us.

“Lil, you playing?” Z asks me.

“Hell yeah.” I look at Ivy. “You gonna play, too?”

“No. I’ll stick to the pool for my athletic endeavors.”

“That leaves us with an odd number,” Levi says.

“Oh, Lil and I don’t need anyone else.” Z grins at me and I grin back at him.

“We’ll be good.” I point over my shoulder at Ivy. “She thinks you all need to lose your shirts though.”

Connor looks right at me as he pulls his shirt over his head. I can’t help but lick my lips in appreciation of his body. He notices me eye fucking him and winks.

“You’re drooling hood rat.” Levi swipes his thumb under my lip. “Roll that tongue back in so we don’t trip over it while we kick your ass.”

“You think you’re gonna kick our ass?” I laugh with Z. “Shall we place bets?”



“Here you go.” I hand two hundred dollars over to Lilith and Zion. “Hustlers. Lilith never told us she was so good at basketball.”

“There is still a lot you don’t know about me, Con.” She winks and does a cute as fuck shimmy as Lev and Griff hand over their money.

Victor and Michael come walking down the path from the back yard. They’re both still wearing their suits.