“Better than okay.” He pulls me against him and gives me one of his deep, intense kisses. “So good.” He takes over buttoning my shirt and fixes my tie. I retie the bottom and we go back out into the hallway where he walks me to class.

* * *

I’m flanked by Connor and Griffin as we walk out of the building at the end of the day. We’re discussing a physics project we partnered up for when I look up and see my dad’s truck in the parking lot. I’m hit with a bit of confusion seeing it but then I look over and see the most welcome sight I’ve seen in almost two months.

“Z!” I squeal and take off running across the perfectly manicured yard. His arms open wide and I launch myself into them, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. “Holy shit! I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow night?” I lean back a bit and kiss his cheek before burying my face in his neck taking comfort in his coconut scent. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and squeeze him harder.

“I couldn’t not be here for your actual birthday.” he holds me just as tight. “I fucking miss you, Lil.”

I hear a throat clear and then Connor’s voice. “Hey, I’m Connor.”


“Zion.” He shakes their hands but keeps ahold me with one arm. I give him one more big squeeze before I lower my legs and let him set me down.

“Do I get a hug?” Dad asks with a goofy grin. “I mean, I am the one who caught you from dropping to the pavement as soon as you were born.”

I roll my eyes but give him a big hug. “Love you, dad. Thanks for bringing him a day early.”

“Like either of us would miss seeing you on your 18th birthday,” he says giving me one more squeeze. “How’s your back doing?”

“It’s getting better.” I don’t tell him about Darcy at lunch, at this point what’s one more omission about my safety.

“Well, shall we go home?”

“Yeah.” I climb into the middle of the bench seat and Zion slides in after me.

“So this is your new school?” Z says as we drive past the athletic compound.

“Yep. Pretty over the top,” I say as I soak up the comfort of being pressed against my best friend’s side.

“Do they know I’m gay?” he asks still looking out the window.

“No. Not my information to give.”

He chuckles. “Connor did not look happy to have you go all koala on me.”

Dad laughs, “he’s got a thing for Lil.”

“Can we have a little fun with him?” Z gives me mischievous look out of the corner of his eye. “I think he deserves some payback for being a dick to you.”

I hold my fist up for a bump. “Hell yes. He’s crazy possessive but also trying to make me trust him, a little teasing won’t hurt.”

Zion lets out a low whistle when we pull up to the Volkov estate. I know exactly what he’s thinking, the same thoughts I had not two months ago driving up toward this monstrosity. “Holy shit. You guys really leveled up here, didn’t you?”

“I mean, yeah. Our apartment is about the same size as our old place though.” I wait for Z to unfold himself from the truck and pull his bag out of the bed. “Hi Edward, this is my friend Zion.” I introduce the two as Edward holds the door open for us.

“Good afternoon, Lilith. Nice to meet you, Zion.” He points to Z’s bag. “Can I take that for you?”

“Nah man, I’m good.” Z smiles and nods at Edward, who honestly looks a little intimidated. “Show me where I’m staying?” Z grabs my hand just as Connor walks up the steps.

“Edward, can we get a room ready for Lilith’s guest?” Connor stands right against me.

“Oh, I’ll just stay with Lil in her room.” Z grins down at Connor. I want to say it’s all in good fun but my bestie is definitely infusing his good naturedness with a bit of a bite. Connor lets out a low growl in response.

“Come this way,” I tug on Z’s hand and he follows me up the stairs.

“I’m going to go change then I’ll meet you in the kitchen for a tour?” Connor pulls me away from Z and kisses me way too passionately considering my dad and best friend are feet away walking down the hall.