“So? It’s probably pocket change for them.”
“Graduating from this school is basically punching a ticket to an Ivy League college. Zion could get a scholarship to Duke for basketball and with your grades and SAT scores you could get in, especially with a diploma from Founders Prep.”
Damn him, dangling the possibility of going to the same university as Zion. “Fine.” I point at him. “But I will not play happy fucking families with Junior Billionaire.”
“Fair enough.” We fist bump on it.
The rest of dinner is spent debating how we see the Bears season going. Dad, the eternal optimist swears we’re going to the Super Bowl this year. I, the realist in the family, strongly disagree. I bring up the Blackhawks and how I do think we have a shot at the Stanley Cup this year. We argue about that, too.
I look around at the other patrons in the restaurant, trying to figure out if they’re super rich or normal like us. I notice some designer bags and rolex covered wrists mixed among the mostly regular looking families. Most families have their noses buried in their phones or kids on tablets while the parents chat. I’m not judging because it’s whatever works for different people but I’m glad Dad and I always have so much to talk about that phones are never on our minds.
He’s a great dad and considering he’s been on his own with me since I was four he’s done a great job. From taking me to get my ears pierced when I was five to when I got my period at 12, he’s been in the girly trenches with me every step of the way. He even took me to Planned Parenthood for my first gynecology exam, even though I’m not sexually active. Having a stocky former Marine as your dad and giant tattooed athlete as your best friend deters a majority of guys from making moves on you.
When we get home I go straight to my room and shower to get ready for bed. Thankfully the party seems to have ended. I’m looking forward to crawling in that giant bed and passing out for the next ten hours. It’s been a crazy day.
My mind wanders to Connor and his friends as I lay in bed waiting for sleep to claim me. It’s really unfortunate that Connor is so attractive. If he hadn’t just dumped a glass of ice water on my bare skin I probably would have taken longer to appreciate his looks. He has the same dark brown hair as his dad, a nice summer tan, and those muscles I could see under his tight clothes. He had on mirrored aviators so I couldn’t see his eyes. I wonder if they’re green like his dad’s or some other color. Levi was hot, too, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I bet he plays a sport, he looks like he could be a football player or maybe lacrosse. Griffin looked bored and studious. His hair was the most interesting shade of red, like a November sunrise over Lake Michigan. I wonder what Monday will bring. Hopefully the whole student body won’t be huge assholes like those three were but I’m not getting my hopes up.
I wake up to the sound of a vacuum in the hall beyond my door. The sun shining bright through my window leads to believe it’s probably midmorning. With a grunt, I roll over to grab my phone off its charger. Ten in the morning. Knowing Dad he’ll want to get in a Krav Maga session this morning in the gym. I open my suitcase and dig through until I find some workout leggings, a sports bra, and a workout tank.
“Morning, Lil,” Dad says as I walk out into the kitchen. Sure enough, he’s wearing gym clothes. He looks at me and smiles. “I see we have the same idea this morning.”
“Appears that way. Let me grab a banana and scoop of peanut butter and I’ll be ready.”
He fills our water bottles while I eat and put my shoes on.
“Have you been down to the gym aside from our tour from Victor?” he asks closing our front door.
“No, I just went to the pool for a bit yesterday and then spent the rest of the time unpacking.”
“Well, it’s insane. Everything is state of the art.”
“Great, hopefully Junior doesn’t use it regularly so I don’t run into him.” Although from the way he filled out his clothes yesterday I’m willing to bet he spends a decent amount of time in the gym.
We turn the corner to the gym and, sure fucking enough, Connor is on the treadmill. Even worse, he’s dripping sweat and shirtless. His shorts slung low on his hips, highlighting his Adonis belt. His eyes meet mine in the mirror and he smirks, obviously having caught me ogling him.
“You got a bit of drool there,” Dad points at the corner of my mouth.
“Shut up,” I shoulder check him after turning several shades of pink. “I’m gonna kick your ass old man.”
He throws his head back laughing, “I’d like to see you try.” He leads me over to some open mats. We start with some classic calisthenics, you can take the man out of the Marines but you can’t take the Marines out of the man. I do more sit ups, Dad does more push ups. We do some mountain climbers.
Dad’s goal in training me in Krav Maga was to teach me situational awareness and the easiest and most effective way to defend myself. Things that were important growing up on the south side of Chicago with my dad away on business regularly. We go through strikes, take downs, and ground work. I don’t even notice Connor watching us until I take Dad’s feet out from under him and before grabbing our waters for a break.
“Lil,” Dad says from his prone position on the mat, “I think I’m done for the day. That last take down actually hurt, baby girl.”
“Told you, old man. The student has eclipsed the teacher.” I take greedy gulps of water while making eye contact with Connor, who hasn’t stopped staring. “Want to be next?” I arch a sassy eyebrow at the pretentious punk.
“I don’t even know what you were doing,” he answers without dropping his gaze.
“Krav Maga.” I pull my tank top over my head and that does make him drop his gaze. “You done with the treadmill?”
“Yeah.” He slowly lets his eyes travel up and down my body. It doesn’t feel sexual in nature, more like he’s dismissing me as unworthy. “Don’t forget to sanitize it when you’re finished. You’re disgustingly sweaty.” With those parting words he walks out.