“We’ll see, kiddo.” He kisses my forehead and leaves my room.
I look down at the contraption Ivy brought me yesterday to wear in place of a bra and curl my lip in contempt. It’s basically a modern day corset and when she showed me how to get it on my eyes bugged out of my head at my boobs. It pushed them way up under my chin. At least it shouldn’t be as noticeable under my uniform shirt and tie. At least the back is low enough that it doesn’t come into contact with the burns or gauze.
After I get dressed and eat the toast dad made for me I step out into the hall to find Connor leaning against the wall waiting for me.
“Good morning.” He trades me my bag for a coffee and leans down to kiss me.
“How are you feeling?”
“About the same as yesterday.”
Connor and I spent all day yesterday watching football and movies in the media room. He laid out on his back and I laid on my tummy with my head resting on his chest. Between his constant care, my dad’s concern, and Delores preparing an array of snacks for us all day I didn’t have to lift a finger. Victor even came by to check on me and offered to have their private family physician come check me out if I wanted, which was kind and generous.
“We were couple goals yesterday, you know.” Connor gives me one of his rare full smiles that make his delicious dimples show. “Am I wearing you down yet?”
“Maybe,” I side eye him, “but I know you are still an asshole though.”
“That’ll never change,” he replies nonchalantly. “I was an asshole even as a baby.”
“That does not surprise me.” I smile at Edward as holds the door open for us. “Good morning, Edward.”
“Good morning, Lilith. Mr. Volkov.” He nods at both of us. “How are you doing today?” he addresses me.
“I’ll be fine. It’ll take more than boiling hot water to keep me down.” I wink at him. “Have a good day.”
“Where’s your new car?” My brow furrows at the sight of a Range Rover in front of us.
“I thought this would be more comfortable for you than getting in down low in the Bugatti.” Connor opens the door for me before putting both our bags in the backseat.
“Oh.” He’s right. It is easier to get in and there’s more space for me to lean forward so my back doesn’t touch the seat back. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” He pulls out of the driveway and looks over at me with concern seeping out of his eyes. “You don’t have to go to school today. We could skip.”
“I’m not letting her win.” I set my jaw.
“Well, I don’t want you getting hurt,” he snaps.
“Too late.” I point at my back. “And I’m not cowering from that bitch.”
“Your pride is going to get you in trouble someday,” he says, the fight gone from his voice.
I shrug and immediately grimace in pain as the blistered skin on my back pulls with the movement.
“See. That right there. You should not be at school today.”
“Fuck.” I roll my eyes. “If you’re going to be like this drop me at the end of the drive. You are insufferable today.” I’m being a bitch, I know this and I’m not thrilled with myself. He was right, yesterday was so couple goals it started breaking my walls down. It has me on edge.
“I know you are in pain and you’re scared so I’m going to ignore your bitchiness.” He clenches his jaw. “I’m not going to let you push me away though. You and I are happening.”
We are both scowling when he pulls into the parking lot. Luckily Levi, Griff, and Ivy are all there waiting so I don’t have to answer how I am more than one time. Instead of heading to seminar I walk to the headmaster’s office with Connor and Griff following.
“What can I help you with?” the gray haired secretary asks when I walk up to her desk in the office.
“I have a note for the headmaster regarding an accident I was involved in this weekend.” I lay the note down for her. She reads it and picks up the phone to see if the headmaster can see me.
“He’s back there with a faculty member but you can go back.” I start to head back with Connor following me.