“No. I’m obviously not going to be in water sports anytime soon.” I’m actually super happy about that. No more taunts about my physical imperfections.
The doctor talks to dad out in the hall for a few more minutes and then dad goes down to billing to give them our new insurance information. Everyone comes back in the room after my IV is removed and sits or stands around the bed.
“We’re going to have to increase Lilith’s coverage at school.” Connor says.
“No,” I start to argue.
“Yes. Do you know the damage Margaux could do if she put her hands on your back? Even with the burns covered, she could burst the blisters early or something.”
“And that is something she would definitely do,” Griff adds.
“I want to fuck that bitch up,” Ivy snarls.
“Don’t we all,” Levi says as he ruffles her hair. “We have to be smart about it though.”
Dad walks back into the room. “Ready to go kiddo? I got you all checked out.”
“Yeah. I don’t have a shirt though.”
Levi whips his shirt over his head and tosses it beside me on the bed. “Mine’s probably the biggest and easiest to get on.”
“Whatever,” Ivy snarks, “he’ll use any excuse to take his clothes off. I’ll stay in here and help you get it on.”
The guys and dad walk out to give me some privacy.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t see her coming,” Ivy says as she helps me sit up. “I should have been quicker on my feet to help you.”
“You were there in less than five seconds, helping me and bitching her out. You couldn’t have done more.” She slips Lev’s shirt over my head and I gingerly push my arms through the sleeves.
We walk out into the hall and walk toward the exit together.
“Can I ride home with you and Lilith?” Connor asks dad.
“No problem.”
“I’m never leaving your side now, Lily.” Connor leans down and whispers in my ear.
“You sure you’re going to be okay this week without me? Victor said I could work from my office here if necessary.” Dad says as he applies the burn cream to my back and covers it with gauze. “You don’t even have to go to school. The note from the doctor said you could take a few days off.”
I cannot take a few days off, then she wins and fuck that bitch. Second degree burns won’t keep me from walking into that school of privileged assholes with my head held high.
“I’ll be fine, here and at school. Lord knows Connor isn’t letting anyone get within four feet of me.” I say with a chuckle so I don’t wince and worry him more.
“He likes you,” Dad grumbles.
“Maybe.” I shrug.
“No, Lil. I see how he looks at you, how treats you. He likes you.”
“How do you feel about that?”
“I’m torn. He is intense and domineering. There is some underlying tension with Victor and he treats his father with incredible disrespect. But when he looks at you there’s a softness in his eyes that only exists in those moments. As long as you are happy and treated well, I’m happy. I’m actually looking forward to getting Z’s take on him after this weekend.”
“Me too. Actually I’m just looking forward to seeing him at all. We might have to make a trip to Chicago over winter break. This past month has been excruciating.”