“Hey runt, what’s up?” Levi’s voice comes over the speakers.

“Call Connor and tell him to get ahold of Lilith’s dad. I’m taking her to the emergency room right now.”

“What? Hold on,” he mumbles something to someone in the back ground, “okay, you’re on speaker and I’m with the guys. What happened?”

“Fucking Margaux dumped an entire cup of hot tea down Lilith’s back. It’s bad. I took her shirt off and the manager put cool, wet cloths over the burns but they were already blistering.” Ivy looks over at me with watery eyes. “She’s not okay guys.”

“We’re on our way to you. Con’s already on the phone with her dad.” Levi says. “Hang in there, hood rat. We’ll be there for you soon.”

* * *

I’m laying facedown on a hospital bed when I hear three sets of feet stomping down the hall. A nurse tries to tell them they’re not allowed in my room and then I hear Levi’s voice as he starts flirting. Connor and Griff come into view. My back is covered in an antiseptic cream and some sort of sterile covering so I’m laying topless. I can’t bring myself to care enough to try to cover up though.

“Hey,” Griff says softly. “How are you?”

“They gave me some pain meds through my IV so I’m pretty good.” I mumble against the scratchy sheets.

I feel Connor’s hand squeeze my thigh and then rest on my ass. “What happened?” he asks either Ivy or myself.

“We were having lunch at the coffee shop in town and Margaux walked behind where Lilith was sitting and dumped her hot tea down her back.” Ivy goes to Levi and hugs him when he walks in. “She didn’t even blink when she did it. This is above and beyond anything I’ve ever seen that psychotic bitch do.”

“Your dad is on his way.” Connor kisses my cheek and runs his fingers through my hair. “How do you want to handle this? Call the police or let us handle it?”

“Will the police do anything?” The four of them all look at each other without saying anything. “That answers that question then. We’ll take care of it ourselves.”

“Sweet pea?” I hear my dad’s voice as he steps into the room. “What happened?”

“A girl from school tripped when she was walking behind me and spilled her hot tea down my back at the coffee shop. The doctor has already checked me out and said they’re second degree burns. He should be back in a few minutes.”

“Were you all there?” Dad asks the room.

“Only me,” Ivy says.

“Are you sure it was accident?” I know he’s giving herthe look. His scary Marine interrogation look. “I only ask because I can count on hand the amount of accidents Lilith has had in her entire life and now we’ve been here a month and she’s had two major accidents.”

“Dad,” I start to make an excuse but Connor cuts in.

“Sir, like we talked about I’m, we’re” he nods his head to Griff and Levi, “watching her back at school. There won’t be any types of incidents there. I could probably be talked into never leaving her side when you’re gone, too.”

“Not sure I like the glint you got in your eye there, Connor,” Dad jokes.

“Excuse me. Mr. Nelson?” The middle age doctor walks back in. “I’m Dr. Dean.” He looks around the group assembled in my room. “If you’ll excuse us?”

Everyone but Connor leaves.

“Are you family?” Dr. Dean asks Connor.

“Close enough. You okay if I stay Michael?”

“Yeah. You might have to know some of this to help her out while I’m out of town this week.”

“Okay.” I feel the gauze or cloth being pulled up. “Your daughter has second degree burns on her back. We’ve given her a bag of IV fluids with some painkillers. She’ll need to keep the burn covered with a cream that we’ll give you a prescription for and have clean dressings applied twice a day. Over the counter pain meds are fine. Cool, damp cloths will also help alleviate pain.”

“How long should we expect the healing to take?” Dad asks.

“Two to three weeks. I’ll have all these instructions included with your discharge papers, as well as any notes for school you need.”

“Any questions kiddo?” Dad leans down to look me in the eye.