“Always, dad. I’ll be fine with everything you taught me.” I reach over and hug him tight. “Way to freak me out though. I’m going to need to insist on hourly text check ins from you while you’re in the city this week.”
“Three times a day I can do, probably not hourly.” He laughs and I take in the deep crows feet that add to his handsome features, making his whole face smile.
After we eat dinner we decide to watch a movie instead of the Monday night game. We rock, paper, scissors for who gets to pick. Dad wins and chooses The Three Amigos. He has a sick obsession with Chevy Chase movies. Partway though the movie a text alert chimes from my phone.
Connor: Can’t stop thinking about our almost kiss
Connor: You left me hanging
Me: You’ll b fine
Connor: Come 2 my room
Me: Can’t. Watching a movie w my dad
Connor: When it’s over
Me: What r u doing? What’s ur game?
Connor: No game
Me: I don’t know if I believe u
Connor: I get it.
Connor: No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true. -Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlett Letter
Connor: Consider my mask removed for you. For us.
Connor: Come to my room b4 u go 2 bed
Connor: 3rd door on the right
An hour later I’m staring at Connor’s door. I lift my hand to knock and then drop it. I pace away, my stomach doing flips. I turn and walk back, my core tightening. I repeat this cycle at least four times before his door swings open.
He props an arm on the door frame and smirks at me. You’re going to wear a track in the carpet from all your pacing out here. I can’t focus on anything other than his incredible body on display in front of me. He’s wearing nothing but a low slung pair of gray sweatpants. His abs and chest muscles are perfectly defined, his shoulders and biceps toned with lean muscle that’s been earned not just from the gym. The sexiest thing, though, are the muscles along his hips pointing down, like an arrow promising pleasure.
His hand snakes out and grips my wrist, pulling me into his room. He closes the door quietly behind me. He leaves a foot of space between us.
“Last chance to leave untouched, Lilith.” His voice is husky.
My body moves forward to him on instinct, every bone screaming this is right. I reach out with a shaky hand and graze my fingertips down his torso, satisfied by his reaction when his skin breaks out in goosebumps. I lick my lips as I look up and make eye contact with him for the first time since he pulled me into his room. His eyes track the movement of my tongue over my lips and I swear the air is so thick with desire I could drown.
“Fuck,” he whispers as he slams his lips against mine. “If you believe nothing else I tell you, believe me when I say that I have never wanted anyone the way I want you, Lilith.” He says against my mouth, our lips tangled.
I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me to wrap my legs around his hips. Our kiss deepens, his minty taste mixing with my own. I can’t stop myself from grinding my core over his dick. His hands pull me by the ass closer. If it weren’t for my sleep shorts and his sweat pants I have no doubt he’d be buried inside me by now. He carries me to his bed and lays me down before stretching out beside me.
“I’m not going to fuck you until you trust me. Until you are as invested in this as I am but I am going to make you come harder than you ever have tonight. I’m going to watch you come apart on my hand. I’m going to feel you come apart on my tongue.” He runs his palm over my stomach and under my shirt while he stares into my eyes. “Is that okay, Lilith?”
“Big talk.” I infuse my voice with a hefty dose of false bravado.
He smiles at my challenge and kisses me again, chuckling at the hitch in my breath when he rolls my nipple between his fingers. He pushes my shirt up and lowers his mouth to my other nipple. My hips lift off the bed, seeking friction and he takes note, moving his hand down under the waistband of my shorts.
“No panties? Naughty girl.” He moans when he slides a finger over my wet heat. His mouth comes back to mine and I feel him smile against me when my breath hitches again as he circles my clit softly. He keeps teasing me with slow, gently strokes until I feel like I’m going to explode.
“Connor,” I whisper, “please.” I press against his hand until he slides a finger into me.