“I had dinner with Connor last night and Levi and Griffin joined us. It was weird. There was some tension but mostly it was just them being,” I pause to find the right word, “normal. Or as normal as three future millionaires can be.”
“Billionaires. They’ll each inherit billions.”
Holy mindfuck.
“Right. Jesus. Anyway, they were almost fun to hang with except I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Then they asked if I was going to the game Friday night and I mentioned that I had plans. Then Connor went all cold and dark again. Z called so I hauled ass out of the room. A couple hours later Connor was knocking on my door with cookies.”
“We talked for a bit, he asked about my mom.” I look around the shop to make sure I don’t see anyone from school. I don’t want this to get out and then have to deal with Margaux. “Then he kissed me. A full out kiss, hands in each other’s hair, sucking face, electricity sparking between us kiss.”
Ivy holds a hand up in my face. “I have to order before we discuss this anymore.” She orders us both some frilly flavored lattes. We grab a table in the corner of the cafe.
“Okay,” Ivy takes a sip. “Continue.”
“So we finish having our amazing kiss, I’m left a little breathless and he pulls away with his cold, asshole mask back on his face and says ‘think about that on your date with no one.’ Oh, I wouldn’t tell the guys who I was going out with, by the way.”
“Hmmm,” she takes another sip. “Connor doesn’t kiss.”
“What? Yeah, he does.”
“No. He doesn’t. At least not usually. He’ll sleep with a girl but he doesn’t kiss them. Keeps the whole thing super transactional and impersonal. I’ve never even seen him kiss someone on the cheek.”
I throw my hands up in defeat. “What the fuck does that mean for me, then? I was thinking it was some kind of mind game.”
“I think he’s jealous. He’s acted weird since you’ve been around. I overheard Lev and Griff talking about it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I couldn’t hear specifics but they were talking about how growly he’s been since you have been around.”
“I find it hard to believe he’s ever not growly.” I roll my eyes.
“I mean, with everyone else, yes. He’s always a dick. When it’s just Lev and Griff though, he’s different. I’ve seen them hanging out alone enough to know. He is actually capable of smiling and laughing.”
“I know. I made him laugh yesterday on the way to school. He’s got dimples,” I sigh, despite myself. I can’t help that dimples are a weakness of mine.
“So,” she draws out the word, “you’ve made Mr. Ice Cold Asshole smile, laugh, and kiss you.”
“You need to prepare yourself to be pursued. He’ll be relentless, dark, and cold until he gets what he wants from you.” She drains her coffee. “And what he wants from you is going to be everything. He doesn’t do things by halves. He sets his sights and annihilates everything in his path until he gets where or what he wants.”
“That’s not ominous or anything.” I force another gulp of the coffee. “I’m pretty sure he still wants me to leave and this is all part of his plan to drive me away.”
“Maybe,” she says skeptically, “or maybe he’s just as confused as you are.”
“He’s going to be really pissed at me for sneaking out this morning.” I smile, amused at the thought of getting under his skin. There is a part of me that loves our cat and mouse game.
“Speaking of,” she checks her phone, “we should leave. We’ll be late.”
* * *
We’re laughing like lunatics when we race up the stairs and into seminar. Mr. Jameson is actually on time, surprising Ivy when she darts into class. She grinds to a halt and I run straight into her back, sending us into even deeper laughter. The whole class turns to look at us, including Mr. Jameson. I notice his lips twitch, fighting a smile, before he chastises us for being tardy. I take my usual seat behind Connor and meet his stony gaze straight on as I walk past him. I might have run from having to share a confined space with him this morning but I will not cower here.
Levi leans over and whispers, “Did you two do edibles this morning? You’re both crazier than usual.”
I don’t want to risk disrupting the class anymore than I already have with a verbal answer so I just shoot him a cheeky wink.
Mr. Jameson doesn’t have anything scheduled so he wants us to use the morning as study hall. Even though it’s the first week of the school year Founders Prep doesn’t play with academics. I’ve had a couple hours of work since the first night. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with how much catching up I have to do in several classes. Luckily for me physics is one of the classes so I can ask Mr. Jameson for help.