“Lilith Nelson.” Peasant reaches across the island and offers her hand. “My dad is running security for Mr. Volkov.”
“Oh, yes, dear. I met him yesterday.” Delores looks back and forth between Peasant and me. “Anytime you want something while he’s away in the city I want to come to me, you hear? My room is at the end of the hall from yours. Even if it’s midnight and you want some cookies for studying.”
“Oh man, I would never turn down midnight cookies. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“No, sweetheart. Just relax.”
“Come sit with me, Peasant.” I lead her to the table and pull a chair out for her. Knowing she does not want any type of chivalrous behavior from me makes me want to do it more.
“Why are there four place settings?” She asks, eyeing me suspiciously.
“What up, hood rat?” Levi booms as he strolls into the kitchen. He wraps an arm around her neck and pops a noisy kiss on her head. “Whoa, you smell amazing.” He nuzzles into her neck making her giggle.
She pushes him away with a grin. “Get off me. I probably just caught an STI from your lips.”
“Ouch.” He grabs his chest. “Slut shaming isn’t cool, hood rat.”
“Where’s Griff?” I interrupt their friendly banter unnecessarily. I don’t like that she smiles when she banters with Lev. When she and I throw barbs back and forth she’s usually scowling. Except for this morning when I couldn’t hold back my laughter and she granted me a glimpse of her gorgeous smile. Then I ruined the moment by kicking her out of my car. I had to though, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to wipe the smile off my face. Connor Volkov cannot be seen smiling like a fool in the halls of Founders Prep.
“Dropping off Gwen at the dance studio,” Lev answers.
“Is that his girlfriend?” Peasant asks.
“My sister,” Griffin answers as he walks through the door. He nods hello to Delores and takes his seat at the table. He’s the only one still wearing our school uniform.
I watch Peasant’s eyes widen as a uniformed server brings our plated dinner to us. She looks down at the roasted chicken artfully placed over the garlic mashed potatoes and grilled summer squash and rolls her eyes.
“Problem, Peasant?”
“I just,” she looks at each of us, “it’s a lot. You have uniformed servers bringing you dinner. I’m used to making myself ramen if Dad’s out of town.” I see Delores’s hand fly to her chest in horror.
“That’s why you’ll eat with me when our fathers are gone.” I smirk. “Plus you just gave Delores a heart attack. Now she’ll be force feeding every chance she gets.”
“You are quite thin, dear,” Delores says from the kitchen. “I’m making you four some cookies.”
“Lilith, are you coming to the game Friday night?” Griff asks pleasantly.
“No,” her blue eyes go round as saucers, “I didn’t know about it.”
“Why can’t you go?” I narrow my eyes, ready to spot her lies.
“I have plans.” Her face hardens.
“With who? Ivy’s going to the game,” Lev says.
“I know other people here than Ivy.”
“Who?” Griff leans forward. He was explicit in his instructions that no one is to befriend her. If someone is stepping out of line I feel sorry for them. I am cruel but Griff is downright savage when crossed.
“I must have missed when I signed on to tell you guys everything I do and who I date?”
“You have a date, sweetheart?” I infuse menace into my voice.
“Yep.” She pops the p and meets my cold eyes with fire in her blues and a defiant tilt to her chin. The look in her eyes dares me to fight her.
Instead of doing what she anticipates I lean back in my chair and smile lazily. “Enjoy yourself.” My change of attitude surprises her and she pulls back.
“Hey Griffin?” She looks across the table to him. “Why haven’t you given me an obnoxious nick name yet?”