“Felix might. He asked for my number today.”
Felix is getting a busted lip tomorrow.
“You don’t want to ride anywhere with Felix. He’s had two DUIs and deals drugs. Stay away from him.”
She cringes and hands me her unlocked phone. I put my contact information in and send myself a text so I know I have the right number. I wouldn’t put it past her to give me a fake number just to fuck with me. Then I send Ivy a text saying she doesn’t need to pick her up in the morning.
“Just because my dad works for your dad doesn’t mean you can boss me around. Remember that.” She slides off the bed and opens her door, gesturing for me to leave. “I’ll see you at eight.”
I walk to the door and put my hand on her waist and whisper goodnight. I let my hand drop, tracing the curve of her hip and realize she doesn’t have shorts on under that t-shirt. I hover over the threshold, “are you not wearing pants?”
“Nope.” She smiles at me and closes the door in my face. Then I hear the snick of the lock moving into place.
Just like that she gives me my fourth hard on of the day.
The next morning I make sure to be waiting in the foyer ten minutes early for Connor. My lips tilt up in a little smile thinking about the look on his face when I closed the door on him. I have never had so much trouble figuring someone out. I experienced a full spectrum of emotions regarding him yesterday; anger, annoyance, concern, amusement, and lust. It’s a heady combination that kept me awake for hours last night. I still don’t trust him.
“Good morning, Miss Nelson.” Edward sweeps into the foyer.
“Morning. How are you?” I inquire.
“Brilliant.” His accent is really the best. “Settling in alright?”
“Yeah, I think so. I’m sticking mainly to our apartment, even though Victor told us to make ourselves at home in the common wing.”
I can’t believe I just said that.
Common wing.
“Yes. I’m sure it’s an adjustment. I do know that Mr. Volkov has instructed the chef to make dinner for you and the young Mr. Volkov the next three nights.”
“Great.” I draw the word out. Not what I wanted to hear. I was looking forward to hours long FaceTime sessions with Z.
“Are you not excited to dine with me, Peasant?” Connor says striding into the foyer while putting on his tie. He looks like he was made to wear suits, the way he fills out our school uniform is sinful. The boys have several options for uniforms and today Connor is wearing gray slacks, the standard for everyone white oxford shirt, the tartan tie, and black jacket.
“I could think of a few things I’d rather do.”
“Such as?”
“Root canal. Be waterboarded. Get a pap smear.” I look around the foyer, feigning boredom.
He just smirks at me before walking out the front door. His fancy little sports car is sitting out front again. He walks down and once again holds the door open for me.
“You don’t have to do this.” I wave my hand in front of the door. “I can open my own doors. It’s weird for you to do this.”
“Do you not think you deserve the courtesy of having a door opened for you?” He holds my gaze.
“Honestly? You call me Peasant. Should the Junior Lord of the manor be doting on the simple peasants?” I cross my arms and hold my ground.
“Fine.” He closes the car door and walks around to the driver’s seat, scowling the whole time. He folds himself into the car. “Are we going to fight about everything?”
“Probably. You can’t be a condescending prick while opening doors for me.”