“This is Wes and Felix,” she points to the guys standing by her. “This is Lilith, newest badass in town.”

I talk to Felix for a few minutes while Ivy and Wes continue to flirt. Then Felix pulls Wes away for practice.

“Are you and Wes a thing?” I ask after they’re out of earshot.

“Not yet,” she gets a gleam in her eye, “but we will be.”



I let the door slam behind me. I cannot believe she dismissed me like that. She would have welcomed my presence if she knew the rumors about Mr. Jameson from last year. He picks a girl every year and spends the year trying to get into their panties, all while being a huge prick of a teacher. I don’t want Peasant here but I also don’t want her to actually get hurt.

I storm into the kitchen for a drink and see Victor sitting at the island reading the paper. I almost spin around but he heard me and turned.

“Connor. How was your first day?”

“Fine.” I rip my jacket off and yank my tie loose.

“Looks like it was fine.” Victor hums with raised brows. “A certain leggy blonde getting to you?”

“No, not at all. Not everyone lets their dick rule them. A hard concept for some, I’m sure.” I spit venomously. Mom wouldn’t have taken off with Claire if Dad had kept it in his pants. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and down it all in four gulps.

Fuck. I need to hit something.

I throw the bottle into the recycling can and stalk down to my room to throw on some gym shorts. I check my phone to see if Claire has called or texted, it’s evening in Ireland now. Nothing, so I send her a text checking in and asking about classes. She started high school last week. I toss my clothes into the hamper and pull on a pair of shorts, change my shoes and socks.

I hear Peasant speaking with Victor in the kitchen. He’s probably checking her out, sick old pervert that he is. I hear her lilting laugh and grind my teeth to avoid storming in there and throwing her over my shoulder. Not for her benefit, no, just to keep her away from my dad who’ll get his dick wet in any available pussy.


I slam the gym doors open and go straight to a bag. I don’t even bother wrapping my knuckles or putting on gloves. I want the pain. I want the blood. The first hit feels so good. A release of all my pent up anger. Another hit, for dad cheating. Another hit, for mom leaving. Another hit, for Claire being on her own in Ireland. Another hit, for having to deal with fucking Margaux. Another hit, for Peasant not accepting my protection. Another hit, for me wanting to protect Peasant. Another hit, for Peasant being so beautiful that I snuck a few pictures of her yesterday when she wasn’t looking. Another hit, for Peasant making my dick hard just by sharing the same air as me and her perfect snarky attitude.

I’m lost in a red haze of punishing hits when I feel a small hand wrap around my bicep. I look over and see Peasant. The first thing I notice is that she’s damn near naked in here with me. She’s just wearing tiny pink shorts and a black sports bra. Then I zero in on her face which is pinched up in fury. I pop my ear buds out and hear her screeching at me.

“What the fuck, Connor? Your knuckles are bloody and bruised. You have tape and gloves right there.” She points to the shelf with everything. “Your blood is all over the bag and the mat. And you gave me so much shit yesterday for sweating on the treadmill.”

She pulls me away from the bag and I let her. I could stop her but I’m curious what she’s planning on doing. She pulls me into the bathroom that’s attached to the gym and pushes me against the counter. She’s slamming drawers looking for something while she mutters to herself.

“What are you looking for?” I ask out of curiosity.

“Towels to clean your stupid hands off with.”

I open a cabinet and pull out a wash cloth. “There. Are you really going to clean my wounds?” I watch her run them under hot water.

“Yes, you moron. I’m going to clean them and then you’re leaving the gym so I can workout and relax.”


“Because I don’t need your broody ass in the gym while I’m trying to work out.” She blows a strand of hair out of her eyes. I reach out and tuck it behind her ear. Her hand stills at the tender gesture. Her big blue eyes are unguarded for once when she looks up at my face. My eyes fall to her lips, which Lev was right, would look amazing wrapped around a cock. My cock to be exact. No one else is going to touch this girl. Not my dad. Not Lev. Not fucking Mateo who follows her around like a lost puppy when she’s home. Not any of the guys talking about how hot she is at school.


“I’m broody?” I ask with a smirk.

“Look it up in the dictionary. Your picture is right next to it. Broody asshole, see also Connor Volkov.” She sasses at me. It takes every ounce of self control not to laugh.

“You’re right next to snarky bitch.” I reply.