“Fuck you.”
“Not interested, peasant. I can readily get quality pussy, I don’t need to slum it with hood rats.” He grabs my bag and tosses it in the back seat.
When he reaches for my waist I squeak and knock his hands away. “I can get in myself.”
He waits until I tuck my legs in and then slams the door of his fancy sports car. He tosses his bag in and folds himself in. I stare out the window while he turns the music up loud enough so we can both attempt to ignore each other’s presence. Except I can smell his spicy aftershave and if I’m honest, I like it way too much. If he wasn’t such an epic asshole I’d be trying to find subtle ways to sniff him all the time.
We get to the end of the drive for the school and he pulls over suddenly.
“Out.” He unlocks the doors.
“What?” The drive is at least half a mile uphill. “Are you serious?”
“Get. Out.” He reaches past me and opens my door. “I’m not going to be seen with you getting out of my car.” He tosses my bag in my lap.
I get out, flabbergasted at the level to which he’s taking this. When I shut the door he rolls the window down.
“Enjoy your first day,” he sneers as he drives off.
A G Wagon barely misses hitting me and I stumble off the pavement into the grass.
Right behind it a small BMW convertible stops in front of me. A tiny brunette gets out mumbling to herself about assholes needing to learn a lesson comes to check on me. “Are you okay?” She helps me up.
“Yeah. I’m new and the guy who gave me a ride just left me at the curb.” I say as I brush my skirt off.
“Connor Volkov?” she asks with pursed lips.
“The one and only.” I roll my eyes.
“I’m Ivy Bane.” She holds out her hand. “I’ll be your only friend in this living nightmare of a school. Levi Marsh is my step brother and the asshole who nearly ran you over. Hop in and I’ll take you the rest of the way.”
“Thanks.” I get in and notice my knee is bleeding. “Do you have a tissue or something?” She hands me a napkin from a coffee shop to blot the blood with. “What did you mean by you’ll be my only friend?”
“I’m the only person in this school not afraid to cross the Titans.”
“The Titans?”
“Connor, Levi, and Griffin.”
I throw my head back and laugh. “They have a name? Like a special boys club?” I laugh even harder. “That’s ridiculous.”
“It is and honestly I don’t think they like it. It happened after an article in the local paper about their fathers. Margaux, the queen bitch, latched onto it and started hyping them up as the Titans. Everyone follows their lead and they’ve already black listed you.” She pulls into the spot next to Levi and flips him the bird. “Eat a bag of dicks, Levi!”
I laugh and realize I forgot to introduce myself. “I’m Lilith, by the way.”
“Oh, I know. You’re all anyone’s been talking about in The Ridge.” At my blank stare she explains, “It’s an app for the school. Like our own social media. No adults. No school officials. Give me your phone and I’ll put myself in it and send you an invite.”
I hand my phone over to her and watch as her fingers fly. “Okay, I got everything set up for you. I’ll walk you up to the head master’s office to get your schedule.”
“Why aren’t you afraid of the wrath of the guys?” I can’t bring myself to call them the Titans, I just can’t.
“I’m Levi’s step sister. He can’t do shit to me.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m a senior, too.”
We get my schedule from the office and she pulls hers out to see if we have any classes together.
“You want the good news or bad news first?” She asks.