Page 43 of Tight End

“That’s not true.”

“…you won’t get me an endorsement deal with Adidas. You won’t do anything to prove your love. Dallas Lockett sat out a playoff game for his girl.” She straightened her back. “I want a man that will do that for me.”

“You’re being unreasonable,” I said.

“You want unreasonable?” she shouted. “We’re done. If you want a whore, you can find someone else, because that’s not who I am.”

Good lord, I thought.

Isabella picked up her purse, gave me a final glare, and then stormed away. I knew she wanted me to follow her, but I just didn’t have it in me tonight.

So I turned and continued walking toward my condo.

The crowd started reacting to the scene. “That’s cold,” one guy said.

Another came running up beside me with his phone in my face. “Damn, Brody Carter! Out here dropping bitches like they’re passes!”

I lost my temper and said, “Oh fuck off, asshole.”

The guy and his friends roared with laughter as I walked away.

Luna was wiggling and jumping in the air when I got home. I went down on my knees and let her lick my face.

“At least you’re happy to see me,” I said. “I think you’re the only one, girl.”

Luna responded with a babble of husky talk.

I stopped to take a piss, then leashed Luna up and took her across the street to the park. It was a cold, quiet night, and there was nobody around that I could see. Finally, for the first time all night, I began to relax.

Until my phone rang.

“Stevie,” I said. “How’s it going, partner?”

“More like how’s it going with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Dude, check Twitter,” he replied. “Now.”

I switched the phone to speaker and opened the Twitter app. “Uh, what am I looking for?”

“You’ll know it when you see it.”

The app opened to the list of Twitter trends in the United States. The top trend was related to a basketball game. The second trend was about Jennifer Aniston.

But the third trend…

“Aww, hell.”