Page 38 of Tight End

Isabella gave me a puzzled look. “The same line you were in during the pre-season games. E-line.”

E-line. The back. I struggled to keep my frustration from bubbling up to my facial expressions.

“I thought I was one of the strongest girls during tryouts,” I said. “Did something change?”

“Umm.” Isabella leaned back to snuggle against Brody, her fingers sliding around his thigh. “I’ll have to check my notes, but I don’t seem to remember that.”

“Pardon my interruption,” Professor McHolmes said, “but to what are you referring? Are you on the Stallions cheerleading team?”

I hadn’t told anyone in my department about it yet. I held my breath and said, “Actually, yes. I am.”

Professor McHolmes smiled warmly. “That’s simply wonderful! To be as academically gifted as you, and to also work as a professional cheerleader on the weekend… I must say that requires an impressive balance of skills. Congratulations, Taylor.”

“Thank you, Lamar,” I said, touching my glass to his. His supportive reaction was better than I could have hoped for.

“It’s just a little hobby,” Eric said. “Shush now, everyone quiet. Trivia is beginning.”

“So how’s this work, then?” Brody asked.

“Eric is the team captain,” I said. “We all discuss the answer, and then he makes the final decision and types the answer into our tablet.”

“Roger that,” Brody said, giving a mock salute.

“Shh,” Eric said. “The first question!”

The televisions in the bar all flashed with color to signify that the game was beginning. The first question appeared.

What neighboring nation did the Soviet Union invade in November, 1939?

“Poland!” I blurted out. “They split up Poland with Germany.”

Eric gave me a healthy dose of side-eye. “You’re off by two months.”

I frowned. “Really?”

“They invaded Finland. It was called the Winter War.” Professor McHolmes smiled cheerfully. “Good guess, though!”

“It’s not a good guess if it’s wrong,” Eric insisted as he typed the answer in. The correct answer flashed on the screen shortly thereafter, with a list of teams that got it correct. Our team, the Paleo-Utes, was one of three teams to get it right. Half the room let out muted cheers, while the other half groaned.

“One for one,” Eric muttered. He turned to me and scolded, “Don’t blurt out an answer unless you’re certain. Your misplaced confidence is how we lose points, Taylor.”

“Relax, partner,” Brody said with an easy smile. “We’re all just having fun here, right?”

Eric pretended like he didn’t hear him.

The next question involved the periodic table. The other two professors and I all knew the answer, while Brody and Isabella didn’t even have guesses. The next two questions went the same way.

After that came a basketball question:

What NBA player is the all-time leader in blocks?

Everyone turned to Brody. “Now’s your time to shine!” Eric said.

Brody grimaced. “I’m mostly a football guy. I follow the Mavericks, but that’s about it.”

“Come on, baby!” Isabella said, smacking his arm. “Think!”

“You have to give us something,” Eric scolded. “This is your specialty.”