Page 130 of Tight End

I waffled my palm. “Fifty percent. Maybe. Shit, y’all, I’m sorry…”

“I think it’s Dallas,” Lamar said apologetically.

Taylor stared off in thought, then keyed in the answer on the tablet. I glanced over to the next table, where Eric was looking in my direction. He took a slow sip from his glass of wine and smiled.

Never going to live this one down.

The answer flashed on the screen.

ANSWER: San Antonio

The team answers were revealed: we had answered correctly. My relief was immense.

Especially when the standings updated, and we were one point ahead of Eric’s team.

“NO!” Eric said, pushing his chair back as he stood. “Austin is the capital! How is it not the answer?”

“I told you, it’s down in hill country,” one of the other professors argued. “I told you…”

“Oh, what do you know,” Eric muttered. “This is why we don’t come to Tommy’s.”

He grabbed his coat and shoved through the crowd. As he passed, I stood and extended my palm.

“Good game, Eric,” I said. “We were neck-and-neck right until the end.”

The snobby professor shoved by my extended hand and pretended like he hadn’t heard me. A few seconds later, the other professors followed suit, although they were polite enough to stop and say a few words before leaving. Lamar thanked us for the game, gave me another fist-bump, and then followed the others out.

“I’m surprised you didn’t taunt him more,” Taylor said.

“Here’s a little secret I picked up from playing in the NFL, Foxy. Sometimes being a nice guy to your opponent is the best taunt of all.”

She leaned across the table and gave me a lusty grin. “It’s kind of hot, putting my asshole ex-boyfriend in his place.”

“Yeah?” I jerked my head to the right. “Dry-goods pantry?”

Taylor bit her lip in that way of hers and slowly shook her head. “What I want to do is going to require a lot more room.”

I raised my hand and called for the waitress to bring us the check.