Page 58 of Tight End

What happened next was unintentional. I got up and started jogging back to the huddle. As I did, I passed right by the Stallions cheerleaders. Isabella was there, and I gave her a little nod of acknowledgment because I didn’t want to ignore her.

But when I saw Taylor standing next to her, looking like an angel sent from heaven? I broke out in a huge smile, and a cheesy line came to my lips automatically.

“You got a map, T-Foxy?” I asked. “Because I’m gettin’ lost in those eyes.”

The blue eyes that were the subject of my joke sparkled, and Taylor gave me a huge grin which somehow made her look even sexier than before. A few of the other cheerleaders giggled.

But as I jogged away, my ex gave me a glare that could melt the Rockies.

“You playing football,” Dallas asked me in the huddle, “or breaking hearts?”

“I can do both, boss,” I replied. “I’m talented like that.”

“You can spend all week chatting up your new girlfriend,” he said. “But during the game, I’m the only one you need to please. Now, on the next play…”

Your new girlfriend. I liked the sound of that. And based on the way Taylor had been looking at me, it was a real possibility.

Dallas called another play, and we all lined up. It was a running play, so I wasn’t very involved. My job was to draw the free safety over to the left side of the field so our running back could have more room on the right. I was basically a decoy.

I was still feeling heady from seeing Taylor, so I glanced over to the cheerleaders. But Taylor wasn’t there. Some brunette girl was standing in her place. A few seconds later, I spotted her in the back row.

Well fuck, I thought. Isabella is punishing her.

It was pretty goddamn obvious, now that I thought about it. I shouldn’t have flirted with Taylor in front of her. That was just asking for trouble. I had to be smarter than that.

Then a darker thought came to me: if a cheesy one-liner is enough to get Taylor moved to the back row, then what would Isabella do if we started dating?

Suddenly it felt like Christmas had been canceled. It was a good thing I wasn’t important on the next play, because when the ball was snapped and everyone sprang into action, I only half-heartedly jogged out on my decoy route.

Kincaid smacked my ass on the way back to the huddle. “You with us, Brody?”

“Yeah, I’m here,” I said.

But there was a sinking feeling in my stomach as we resumed the drive, and my mind was preoccupied by the redheaded woman on the sideline.