Page 91 of Yours Forever

I gazed up at her while she rode me, drinking in the sight of her. She reached behind her and untied her ponytail, freeing the waves of her golden hair, which now swayed back and forth with the sensual motion of her body.

When I couldn’t take any more, I rolled us sideways and then spread her legs on the edge of the couch, burying myself into her as deep as I could. Erica’s eyes widened and she moaned with pleasure as I quickened the pace, giving all of myself to her. She kissed me deeply and clamped her pussy around my cock, causing me to tremble and groan with release. Erica sat up and kissed me in order to steal my cries of pleasure while I filled her with my seed, but I pulled back and filled the room with my roar of pleasure because I couldn’t bear to keep it in.

We cuddled on the couch after, totally nude and partially covered with a blanket. I stroked my fingertips along Erica’s skin, savoring the weight of her body resting on mine.

“Think he might come home any time soon?” Erica whispered.

“I’ll find out, just to be safe.” I slapped my hand down on the ground, fumbling for my jeans, until I found the pocket with my cell phone. I dialed Brad’s number.

“What’s up, Hunter?”he answered. I heard the typical background noise of a crowded pub.

“Hey, I wanted to let you know I’m going to be up late editing videos,” I said. “If you end up having too many drinks, I don’t mind giving you a ride home. It’s cheaper than an Uber, right?”

“Nice! I’ll totally take you up on that. We just finished dinner and are about to head to another bar. I’ll keep you updated.”

“Have fun, buddy,” I said. After hanging up, I relayed the info to Erica and said, “We’re safe to cuddle.”

She sighed against my chest. “Good. I don’t want to leave.”

I squeezed her tight against me. Her skin was warm and soft, and I couldn’t stop touching her. I wanted to savor as much of this as possible while Brad was gone.

“I’ve loved every minute with you,” I said carefully, “but when do you think we can tell your brother?”

I felt her eyelashes flutter against my chest. “I’m close to telling him. His job is going well, and he’s handling Mom and Dad’s death better. Did you know he opened up to me about them last night?”


She grunted in the affirmative. “It was after I got back from Dayton. We shared a beer and reminisced about our favorite memories. Brad talked about the trip we took to Cedar Point when we were kids. We talked Mom into riding Millennium Force with us, and halfway up the first big hill she startedshrieking.She demanded that Dad stop the ride—which he couldn’t do, obviously—and when he laughed at her she started smacking him in the arm. Then the roller coaster flew over the first hill and she screamed that we were grounded for ayear.”

I laughed. “I’ve never heard that story.”

Erica sighed. “Mom screamed the entire ride, but when we got off, she was laughing and giggling like a little girl. Brad was recounting that last night, and then he cried a little bit. He said that as sad as it is to lose them, we were lucky to have them adopt us. We hugged, had a sibling moment, and then he was back to laughing about the Cedar Point trip again. So, yeah. I think we can tell him about us soon.”

“I’m really glad to hear you say that,” I said with relief. “I’ve already started thinking about all the places I want to take you when you move to Portland. If we tell your brother about us soon, then you can fly back with me next week.”

There was a pause, and then Erica twisted to look up at me, her chin resting on my sternum. “Move to Portland?”

“Sure,” I said. “You always said you wanted to get out of Columbus. A long time ago, you even mentioned wanting to visit Portland. I just assumed that’s what we would do.”

She sat up, pulling the blanket with her to cover her chest modestly. “There’s a big difference between visiting andmovingthere. Especially now, so soon after my parents. I have to go through their belongings, deciding what to keep and what to sell. Not to mention figuring out what to do with the house. All of that could take months.”

I sat up on an elbow. “Why haven’t you gotten the ball rolling on all of that? I’ve been here three weeks and haven’t seen you so much as unfold a cardboard box.”

“I’m not ready yet,” she said defensively. “Why can’t you stay here, with us? You have flexibility to work anywhere.”

“Sometimes I do,” I said, “but I have events scheduled in Portland next week. In July, I’m driving down to Los Angeles to film three episodes for Jay Leno’s car channel. I have three car shows in Seattle in August, and then I’m spending the entire month of September in Europe for Formula One.”

Her face tightened in a scowl. “You didn’t tell me about all of that.”

“Because I’ve been focused on enjoying our time together,” I replied.

“Okay,” she said slowly, wheels turning in her head. “Let’s talk it out. You have some events you have to be back for. If you go back to Portland for those, then could you fly back here on weekends?”

I shook my head. “Most of these events areonweekends.”

“Weekdays, then,” she suggested. “You can spend your weekends in Portland, then fly here and spend Monday through Thursday with me.”

“But you’re working all the time,” I said. “There’s no point in me flying here and hanging out at the house while you work at the brewery.”