Page 43 of Yours Forever

“Four weeks,” I repeated. “I’ll be done by then.”

Even if it kills me.

I hung up and sat on the edge of the bed. The springs squeaked just like they used to. Five years had gone by and so many things were still the same.

So much has changed, too,I thought.

The bathroom light flicked on and the door connecting it to my roomclickedas Erica locked it from the inside. Then I heard the shower start running. My imagination took over and I pictured her undressing in the bathroom, hips swaying as she shimmied out of her black work slacks, then her panties.

So many feelings came rushing back as I imagined her nude body, separated by a single bathroom door. These feelings had been brewing since I moved to Portland five years ago, but now that I was back? They were stronger than ever. It was like I had never been gone, and we were both hormone-driven teenagers trying not to peek at each other.

I wondered if she felt the same way.

It’s going to be a long couple of weeks,I thought as I began unpacking my things.



“I can’t believe he just invited himself over,” Lizzy said while we poured drinks behind the bar at Buckeye Brewery. “It’s kind of presumptuous.”

“I really don’t mind,” I replied. “It actually works out that he’s renting the room. We need the money. And I like having him around again, like old times.”

“Yeah, I bet you do,” Lizzy replied in a suggestive tone. “Watching him sunbathe by the pool, tan body glistening with sweat. Has he rubbed lotion on your back yet?”

“Oh shut up,” I said. “It’s been less than a day since he got back. And he’s spent most of that time driving around in his car, recording footage for his next video.”

Lizzy placed a beer in front of a customer and then turned toward me. “He definitely likes you.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I saw the way he looked at you last night, when the two of us were talking by my car. He’s totally got the hots for you. Plus, he’shere,in Columbus! Staying atyour house!After the awkward ending you two had five years ago, he wouldn’t have asked to stay at your place unless he really wanted to see you.”

“He said he wants to record some throw-back videos where it all started.”

She snorted. “That sounds like an excuse. I bet he made that up just to sleep under the same roof as you.”

The same thought had crossed my mind while I was trying to fall asleep last night. Was it possible Hunter flew across the country with all his recording gear just to flirt with me? As much as I wanted it to be true, it seemed like a lot of effort.

“Want to know what I think?” Lizzy asked.

“Not really, but I know you’re going to tell me anyway.”

She went on as if I hadn’t spoken. “I think you should make a move on him. Take home a four-pack of beer for you to share, reminisce about the good old days, and then kiss him. See what happens.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hunter is engaged. That means he’s off-limits.”

“Does it though?” she asked tantalizingly.

“No,” I said emphatically. “I refuse to be a home-wrecker. That’s not the type of woman I am. Besides, it’s beenfive years. Half a decade. I doubt he has feelings for me. If I made a move and he rejected me, then things would bereallyawkward around the house.”

A customer waved at Lizzy to order another drink. She drew it from the tap wall and whispered to me, “For a guy as fine as Hunter? I’d risk it. That man is asnack. Hell, if you don’t make a move on him, then I might.”

“Don’t you dare!” I hissed.

She finished drawing the beer and then gestured at me with the full glass. “See? You’re jealous.”

“I don’t want to talk about him anymore,” I said.