Page 113 of Yours Forever

Hunter got behind the wheel and waited until I had buckled my seatbelt. “All I’m missing is a chauffeur hat. Where to, ma’am?”

I giggled and said, “Shut up. You know where we’re going.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said while backing out of the driveway.

“Stop it!”

“Yes, ma’am,” he repeated.

We waved to Brad and Lizzy, and then drove out of Columbus.

The road trip had been Hunter’s big idea. Since the big national jewelry chain wanted me to visit all of their West Coast franchises, Hunter suggested we might as well visit jewelers in other cities along the way. Now thatYours Forever Gemstoneshad a respectable number of sales on its balance sheet, it would be easier to convince stores to offer our gemstones as an option.

Over the next three months, we would visit twenty-one cities. St. Louis was first on the list, followed by Memphis, Oklahoma City, Dallas-Fort Worth, and the rest of the Texas Triangle. Then we would head west to El Paso, Las Cruces, Tucson, and Phoenix, before beginning the leg of our trip that the national chain had originally requested.

I was nervous for the first three store visits in St. Louis, but I quickly fell into a sales groove.Yours Forever Gemstoneswas already wildly successful, so there was no pressure on me to sign every single store to a contract. It was much easier than pitching the idea to investors at a small business expo, that’s for sure.

Hunter was using the road trip as an excuse to film a series ofDriving Across Americavideos. He talked about the interstate system and the roads around each major city we visited, complaining about the cities with poor infrastructure while boasting about the cities that had good city planning. It was strange driving in a car that had four GoPro cameras—one on the dashboard aimed at Hunter, one in the back seat aimed at Hunter, and two external cameras facing forward and backward. But I quickly got used to the cameras and learned to ignore them whenever he was filming.

I was just happy that the road trip fit with Hunter’s busy schedule. The timing worked out that we would be in Los Angeles in time for his appearances on Jay Leno’s car show. Then we would get to Portland and Seattle for his other car-related engagements (some of which he had to reschedule).

On the flat, endless highway between Las Cruces and Tucson, Hunter taught me to drive stick-shift. It wasn’t hard, not with him as a teacher. Although it would be alongtime before I started driving like Lizzy.

Website sales continued trickling in. When we left for our trip, I had about twelve hundred sales. By the time we got to Phoenix, we were just shy of eighteen hundred. We were averaging twenty sales per day. Some were residual sales from Hunter’s YouTube video, but a lot of our revenue came from the Facebook ads we were running. We had slowly turned up the ad campaign budget, and it worked. We were spending fifty dollars a day, then a hundred, then two hundred a day on advertisements. Soon, most of the website traffic I got were from Facebook ads. It was well worth the cost since twenty sales resulted in over twentythousanddollars of sales revenue.

Carmen’s marketing plan was legit. She hadn’t tried to sabotage my business, even though I was Hunter’s new girlfriend. It was silly of me to ever get mad about it, even if Hunter should have told me the truth from the beginning.

And of course, the best part about our road trip was that Hunter and I had a lot of time to get intimate together.

Alotof time.

Hunter made love to me slowly and passionately, taking his time while our bodies churned together. Other times he couldn’t keep his hands off me the moment we walked into our hotel room, ripping my clothes off and taking me with a level of force and desperation that had me curling my toes and crying out with torrid passion.

Now that we could do it whenever we wanted, it became a game to us. We had sex a different way in every city we visited.

Missionary in Memphis.

Doggy-style in Dallas.

Cowgirl in Las Cruces.

We had to get creative for some cities. In Sacramento we needed a position that started with S, and a quick Google search revealed a Kama Sutra position calledSplitting the Bamboo.

Ireallyliked that one.

We didn’t stop in Redding, California, but I decided there was one R-position that Hunter would really enjoy. We were on the interstate and hadn’t seen any other cars except semi-trucks for several miles, so I unbuckled my seatbelt, leaned across to his lap, and unzipped his pants.

“What’s all this about?” Hunter asked.

“Road head in Redding,” I said with a grin.

Hunter chuckled at that, but it turned into a gasping moan as I wrapped my lips around his cock. By now we had been together enough that we knew what each other liked, and I wanted to get him off as quickly as possible before another car passed us.

Hunter’s fingers laced into my hair, squeezing tightly as I gave him a blowjob. I gripped his shaft tightly and jacked him off while enveloping him with my mouth, taking him as deep as I could. He became impossibly hard in my mouth as I worked, groans filling the Mustang over the sound of whatever pop song was playing on the radio.

Soon his hand was pushing my head up and down, and thrusting up into me with desire, until he sucked in a breath that told me he was close. His grip loosened on my hair so I could pull back if I wanted to, but today I wanted to do something I had never done before. His balls tightened against my fist and he cried out with unrestrained lust, but I kept my lips wrapped tightly around his shaft the entire time.

He erupted in my mouth, spurt after spurt pouring forth. The sounds he made deep within his chest were music to my ears as I gobbled up every drop he gave me, lapping my tongue at his slit until there was nothing left.