Page 106 of Yours Forever

He turned to me. “Erica, there’s so much I need to say to you.”

Before he could, Charlie caught up to him. “I alreadytold you,pal, you’re eighty-sixed from this place. Permanently.”

“It’s okay, Charlie,” I said. “This is my…friend. We just need a minute to talk.”

The way I said the wordfriendmust have clued him in, because Charlie narrowed his eyes at Hunter. “Soyou’rethe fuck-face who hurt my bartender? You listen to me, you pretty-boyprick. Erica Porter is the sweetest girl who’s ever worked in this brewery, and anyone who hurts her is on my bad side. If you’re not out of here in five seconds I’m gonna enjoy beating your ass up and down this side of Columbus!”

Hunter held out both palms protectively. “That’s why I’m here, man. To make up for what happened. If you’ll give me a chance to talk to her.”

It was endearing seeing Charlie get all protective of his employees. I put a hand on his arm and said, “It’s okay, Charlie. Let me talk to Hunter for a few minutes and then he’ll leave.”

“Oh, soshe’sthe sweetest girl who’s ever worked in the brewery?” Lizzy muttered.

Charlie grunted. “You’re a lot of things, Lizzy, butsweetain’t in your vocabulary. Feisty, sure. Temperamental, definitely. But not sweet.”

Lizzy barked a laugh. “That’s the best compliment you’ve ever given me, you big lug.”

Customers were watching by this point, so Charlie took over behind the bar and told Hunter and me to go outside. The back patio was occupied by two cigarette-wielding women, but otherwise we had it to ourselves.

Hunter let out a long sigh. “Where was I? Oh, yeah. I didn’t get on the plane because I have a lot to say to you, Erica.”

“You said a lot in the videos,” I replied with a laugh. “You said you wanted to give me the nine-eleven of kisses!”

His sexy face twisted into a grimace. “Shit. I should have deleted that part. I’m pretty sure I’m going to get canceled for that.” He shook it off. “But I didn’t sayeverythingin those videos. The last one was recorded the night I moved back into your house. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a lot has happened since then.”

“A few things have happened,” I allowed.

“I used to be afraid that this was some sort of infatuation,” he said. “You’re my best friend’s sister. You’re forbidden fruit, which maybe enhanced the attraction between us. I didn’tthinkthat was the reason I liked you, but I couldn’t be sure.”

He stared deep into my eyes, and his resolve was as strong as steel. “But now that we’ve been together? Iknowit’s so much more than that. I like you for you, Erica. Every part of you. My feelings are stronger than ever, even now that Brad knows. The sneaking around was fun, but there’s more here. I know there is.”

The icy fingers that had been gripping my heart finally loosened. “I feel the same way. About all of it. Part of me wondered if I was just obsessed with you for being my brother’s best friend, but after being with you? I know it’s more than that.”

He folded his arms around me in a loving hug. I felt safe while pressed against his hard body, and I knew everything was going to be okay.

Hunter looked down at me and said, “And about your business, and the reason I invested…”

I pressed a finger to his lips. “I overreacted. Your video helped me understand why you invested. I was sensitive because my business idea felt sofragile, and when you threw your support behind it, my entire perspective changed. I felt confident about the whole thing. Then, when you told Brad that you were just trying to stay close to me… It shattered that confidence. It made me feel like a charity case, rather than someone with a good business idea.”

“You’re definitely not charity,” Hunter said, brushing aside a lock of hair from my face.

I smiled. “I’m sorry for assuming the worst. I’m sorry for a lot of things, actually. I was loving our time in Columbus so much that I totally forgot you have your own life and responsibilities and business in Portland. It was awful of me to expect you to just cancel your plans just to stay here longer.”

“It’s okay,” Hunter said. “I know it came from a good place.”

I glanced at the two smokers, then whispered, “It was the sex talking. I wanted you to stay here so I could keep seeing you naked.”

Hunter flashed his charming smile, the one that had first won me over five years ago. “Honestly, the sex isalmostworth canceling on Jay Leno.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Just almost?”

“Don’t push your luck.”

He kissed me then, a kiss of love and forgiveness and hope, and for a few seconds it felt like we had never even had a fight at all.

Someone to our left cleared his throat. Brad was standing on the brewery patio, awkwardly looking anywhere but at the two of us.

“Brad!” I said, pulling away from Hunter.