Page 99 of Yours Forever

“Thanks for humoring me, everyone. My regularly-scheduled videos will resume next week when I review Ford’s newest luxury-class SUV. You won’t want to miss it.”



Tears poured down my cheeks as the last video finished playing. YouTube started auto-playing the next recommended video, which was a detailed review of the battery life on the newest Tesla model. Brad shut the laptop lid.

Lizzy was sniffling next to me. “That… That was… I don’t have any words.”

I excused myself and went to the bathroom so I could cry alone. I couldn’t believe Hunter had been making those videos all along, documenting how he felt about me. Explaining his agonizing guilt while living here, dealing with the loss of his parents, and developing feelings for me.

What felt like hours later—but was probably just a few minutes—I returned to the living room, where Brad and Lizzy were chatting quietly.

“I didn’t know he felt that way,” Brad said somberly. “I grew up with him, and I’ve never seen him so emotional. That’s more than just a guy lusting over his best friend’s sister. He really cares about you.”

Lizzy nodded, tried to say something, and then had to blow her nose in a tissue first. “In the last video, he said he would do anything to help you be successful. That explains why he would contact his ex for marketing help. Because even though it was painful for him and might look suspicious, he wanted to help you no matter what.”

Brad looked at his watch and cursed. “I’m really late now. I have to get to work. We’ll talk more about this later.” He shook his head. “Fucking Hunter. Everything’s confusing now. If he had just told me five years ago…”

The front door closed behind him, and then I heard his engine start.

Lizzy let out a shuddering breath that was on the verge of becoming a crying wail. “Why don’t guys leavemeelaborate videos proclaiming their love!”

I sat down and blinked. “The part about investing in people explains a lot. I understand now what he was trying to say. Hunter didn’t invest in my business out of charity. He just believed in my passions. He always has, even going back to high school.”

“Well?” Lizzy demanded, mascara running out of her eyes. “Are you going to just sit there, or are you going to call him?”

I pulled out my phone and stared at it. I didn’t know what to say. But after seeing Hunter’s videos, I realized I didn’t need to think of the perfect words. I just needed to bring him back.

I put the phone to my ear with a shaky hand, but I didn’t have to wait long. The call went straight to Hunter’s voicemail, which was lighthearted and jovial.

“Hey, this is Hunter. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you. Unless I don’t want to talk to you, in which case, please stop calling.”

“Damnit. Voicemail.”

Lizzy blew her nose. “Maybe he went on a bender and is still sleeping it off.”

“Maybe. Or maybe—”

A knock came at the front door.

The two of us looked at each other. We were thinking the same thing:Hunter is here.

I leaped up from the couch and ran to the front door. Lizzy was close behind me. I grabbed the doorknob and threw open the door…

…And was greeted by a skinny redheaded kid who looked like he was a few years away from needing to learn how to shave.

“Who are you?” I demanded.

The kid gave us a worried look. “Are you okay, lady? Is something wrong?”

We must have looked awfully pathetic standing there in smeared makeup and wet cheeks. “Whatever you’re selling, we’re not interested,” I said.

Before I could close the door, he held up a clipboard. “Not selling anything. I’m with the Columbus Courier Service. We were hired to retrieve some belongings of…” He squinted at the name on the page. “Hunter Cade?”

“Courier…” I sighed. “You’re here to get all of his stuff from upstairs.”

“That’s right. If you can point me in the right direction I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”