Page 62 of Still My Forever

Papa rounded the table and put his hand on Gil’s shoulder. “Son, Maria and I have loved you since you were a little boy. You had our blessing before. You still do. But I think, right now, we better put that subject aside and pretend it was never mentioned.”

Ava’s breath eased out in a disbelieving huff. What a ridiculous suggestion. How on earth would she forget Mr. Willems’s ill-timed comments? Or Gil’s response to them?

“This way,” Papa continued, “you can ask her in the way you planned, and it will still be a surprise, jo?” He patted Gil’s shoulder and then gestured to the table. “Come now. Let’s sit and eat before Ava’s good chicken and noodle casserole grows cold.”

Ava put the kitten on the settee, where it curled in a ball, then she sat at the small table next to Gil. Papa, Mama, and Mr. Willems chatted as they ate, but neither she nor Gil contributed to the conversation. She couldn’t be certain why he was so quiet, unless he needed his full attention to eat. His left hand wasn’t nearly as adept as his right in wielding a fork. She was quiet because she couldn’t escape her thoughts.

She shouldn’t be upset with Mr. Willems for blurting out what he said. He hadn’t done it out of spite or meanness. What mattered was Gil had proclaimed his love for her out loud, with three witnesses present. Papa had given his blessing. Eventually Gil would ask her again, and this time she would accept. But she couldn’t deny feeling as if she’d been cheated of something precious.

She dipped her fork into the noodles and accidentally brushed Gil’s arm. He peeked at her out of the corner of his eye, and she peeked back. A sweet, shy grin lifted one side of his mouth, and his dimple winked.

He leaned over and whispered directly into her ear. “After I give your father his trumpet lesson, I would like a few minutes of your time.”

Delightful shivers danced across her scalp. Her lips quivered into an answering grin, and she offered a quick nod. Then she averted her gaze before their flirtation captured Mr. Willems’s notice.

They finished the casserole, and Mama cut slices of cake for everyone. Gil dropped icing down the front of his sling, creating a chocolate smear. When he bemoaned the mess, Mr. Willems teased, “Just turn the sling inside out. No one will know,” and they all shared a round of laughter. After enjoying dessert and coffee, Mr. Willems, Papa, and Gil went to the sitting room for Papa’s lesson. While Papa blew the notes for “Bringing in the Sheaves” loudly enough to alert the entire town, Ava and Mama washed the dishes and made a neat stack on the kitchen table.

Finally, Mama said, “Bernard? It’s growing late. We have church in the morning. We should go.”

Papa reluctantly lowered the horn. “You’re right. Roald, thank you for letting us use your house for our party.”

“If you bring cake, you can have a party here every night,” he said, and more laughter rolled.

Mama picked up the clean dishes, then turned to Ava. “Are you coming?”

She glanced at Gil.

He stepped forward. “Onkel Bernard, I’ll walk Ava home in a few minutes. After we take Prince to his mama in the barn.”

Papa nodded. “All right. Not too late, though, jo?” Mama and Papa exchanged a smile before they left through the front door.

Gil glanced around. “Now, where is that kitten?”

Ava pointed to the spot she’d put him. “He was here just a bit ago. Papa’s trumpet playing must have frightened him into hiding.”

Mr. Willems harrumphed. “He’s a sly one. He could be under or behind anything by now.”

Ava waited while Gil searched the sitting room, then headed up the hallway. A few seconds later, she heard his short burst of laughter. He returned with Prince tucked inside his sling. “The little stinker was waiting to ambush me. He leaped out from behind a door and snagged my pants.” He handed her the kitten. “Are you sure you’ll be able to put up with something so ornery?”

She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “I put up with you, don’tI?”

He laughed, then gestured to the back door. “Shall we go out that way? It’s closer to the barn.”

And out of sight of any passersby should he decide to kiss her. She fully expected a kiss under the stars. After all, what was a marriage proposal without a kiss? With Prince tucked against her shoulder, she headed for the back door. Just as they reached it, someone pounded on Mr. Willems’s front door.

“Mr. Willems! Mr. Baty!” The frantic cry carried over the thumps.

Gil jolted. “That’s Timmy.” He jogged to the door and swung it wide.

Timmy rushed through the opening and collapsed against Gil, sobbing.

Mr. Willems grabbed his crutches and hobbled over. “Timmy, what’s the matter, boy?”

The child lifted his tearstained face to the man. “My Taunte. She fell down in the kitchen and went to sleep on the floor. I can’t wake her up.”

Ava’s heart leaped into her throat. “I’ll get Papa to hitch the horse to the carriage.” She darted out. Not until she reached her house did she realize she was still carrying Prince, but it was too late to take him back now. She scrambled up the porch stairs and inside. “Papa! Papa!”

Papa came from the parlor. “What’s the matter?”