I inhaled, smelling the distinctive odor she had picked up on compared to the fresh air from outside. “We can head this way,” I said, motioning to the basement door. “I was painting,” I said unnecessarily as we walked by the stack of cleaned brushes and rollers drying on the kitchen floor.

The stairs creaked slightly as we walked into the finished basement. “What were you painting?”

“They hadn’t done the nursery yet. I didn’t want them to have to worry about it when they brought the baby home.” I led her through the small open area where I’d stacked boxes and into the bedroom.I’d told her I wasn’t embarrassed, but I noticed everything as we walked, taking it in through her eyes. There weren’t many boxes and almost no furniture. I also avoided how I’d felt painting the nursery, the unexpected flood of emotion when I rolled the pale yellow color they’d already picked out onto the walls.

I closed the door behind her and watched RJ walk around the small room. “That was nice of you to paint for them.”

I shoved my hand in my pocket again. “They’ve done a lot for me. It wasn’t a big deal. So...”

I’d had my mouth all over RJ’s body. We’d had quick and dirty moments in hidden spots and supply closets, but having her in my bedroom, in my life, was uncomfortable, and I felt uneasy only because I didn’t know what to expect. I’d imagined her in this bed with me a hundred times.

RJ stepped toward me and slid a hand up my chest. “You don’t want to talk about it?”

Her hip was familiar and comforting under my palm. “It’s just not that interesting.”

She looked up at me, her fingers working the buttons of my shirt. Her gaze wasn’t exactly soft but soft adjacent, and she spoke in a quiet voice. “I think you’re interesting.”

“Is that a good thing?” I dragged my hand up her ribs, confirming the softness of the fabric of her shirt, and dipped my head to slide my lips up her neck.

She let out a tiny moan when I kissed the spot she liked. “It’s an interesting thing. I usually know what to expect from people.” Her fingers ran over my chest and down my abs, and the way she moved slowly, making it clear we had time, had me wanting to savor her touches and also throw her onto the bed. “Sometimes you surprise me.”

“I didn’t know paint fumes were a turn-on for you.” I pulled her shirt from where it was tucked in, sliding my fingers under the silkyfabric. “I—” The joke froze in my throat as she slid my shirt off my shoulders, sliding her fingers over my sunburn, her short red nails digging into my skin in a way I normally liked. This time, I made a noise that was mildly inhuman. It was a yelp mixed with a growl.

RJ jumped back, her eyes wide. “What’s wrong?”

“Just a sunburn.” I winced, breathing through my nose and waiting for the pain to fade. “It’s okay.” I reached for her hip again, but she gently pushed my hand back.

“Let me see.”

“It’s fine. I’ll just be careful.”

RJ’s hands came to her hips, her lips pursed, and I relented.

“Fine,” I said, turning around and letting her finish sliding my shirt off. I’d spent the morning outside, focused on the work I was doing, and now the burn felt developed and painful.

“Lear,” she said, touching a cool finger to the back of my shoulder, “this is bad.” The cool touch felt good as she traced over my skin, barely touching me. “How long were you out there?”

“A few hours. I wasn’t thinking. Forgot sunscreen.”

“What was so important?” She tugged the sleeves over my hands and set the shirt aside.

“The nursery furniture they bought a while back just in case—the rocking chair and dresser and stuff... it’s all secondhand, and the paint was faded and not great to begin with, so I was outside sanding and staining that, too.” I’d gone into autopilot mode, wanting to make it all look perfect while ignoring my thoughts. Following along with YouTube tutorials was easier to focus on.

RJ was quiet for a moment. “Do you have aloe?”

I turned. “No. Don’t worry about it. Let’s get back to this...” I reached for her hip again. “We had plans.”

RJ pushed my hand away. “I didn’t know your entire body was sautéed when we made the plans.”

“Not my whole body,” I said with a shrug I regretted immediately.

RJ noticed, and her expression was self satisfied. “You’re right. Just the back half of you. Please go take a cool shower. I’m going to find you aloe.” She snatched her bag off the floor.

“You’re telling me to take a cold shower... now?”

She pressed a finger to my lips. “Shrugging causes you pain. What did you think you were going to do with me on that bed?”

I hadn’t thought that through, the burn a distant second thought to kissing, touching, and tasting RJ, and I finally relented.