She gave his forearms a squeeze before she released him. Then she strolled the length of the space, surveying it as if taking in the changes. But really, she was steadying her breaths, gathering her thoughts. Trying to keep her stilted legs from collapsing beneath her. She would definitely be taking him out to eat tonight. She no longer trusted herself alone with him.
Wes cleared his throat. “Gavin can finish out that wall. Or maybe you’ll have time to do it yourself since you’ll have another doctor on staff soon.”
“She’s still considering that other position, remember?” A safe distance away, Avery turned. “But these living quarters will sure help sweeten my offer.”
Today was the day.
Once Wes finished the bathroom, he’d officially be hitting the trail again. He’d packed his things last night. It was one o’clock now, but as long as he left by four he’d have enough daylight to reach the first shelter. His work had kept him from dwelling on thoughts of leaving Avery. He’d have plenty of time to sort through his feelings on the trail. He would need that time to realign his loyalties. To remind himself of his goals, of his duty, before he reached Albany and Lillian.
He twisted the toilet valve, turning on the water. Once the tank was full, he flushed and checked the base for leaks. Looked good. He stood and surveyed his work. With the vinyl planking, shower surround, and stool, the bathroom appeared brand new. Now he just had to install the pedestal sink, and he’d be ready to go.
But first, he needed to retrieve his bedding from the dryer.Avery had insisted he leave it for her, but she was busy getting the clinic ready for her guest. He wanted to leave the carriage house clean and ready for her.
As he pulled the warm bedding from the dryer it snapped with static. The minutes were ticking down. He was inching closer to that good-bye scene and dreading it more with each tick of the clock.
He dropped the bundle of bedding on the dresser and grabbed the fitted sheet. The generous elastic pocket stretched easily over the first corner. He reached over the bed to slip the elastic over another corner, and a sharp stab of pain pierced his spine.
“The lobby is spic-and-span, Doctor,” Patti said as Avery approached the front desk. “And my work area is organized and clean. Want me to tidy up the office next?”
“Already done.” They were a little short-staffed as Katie had the afternoon off. She was headed to Asheville for her final dress fitting. Avery checked her Fitbit. It was just after one o’clock, and she would pick up Dr.Chan at four. “I think we’re in pretty good shape.”
“How’s Hottie McHandyman coming with the carriage house?”
“I’ve been too busy to check.”
“Speaking of busy, there’s a patient in four.”
“Thanks.” As Avery turned that way, her phone vibrated and she checked the screen, hoping for an update from Wes. But it was only Cooper.
Can Katie borrow your boots? We’re hiking to Lover’s Leap tomorrow. I can pick them up after work.
Sure. I’ll be gone, but my apartment’s unlocked. They’re in my bedroom closet.
Avery pocketed her phone and entered the exam room where she was met by a woman who sported a painful shingles rash. Avery gave her prescriptions for Valacyclovir and a Capsaicin patch and offered additional advice on coping with the pain.
After sending the patient on her way, Avery checked her phone again. Two messages had come in from Wes.
Help! Threw my back out.
Hello? Kind of stuck.
Oh no. Avery pocketed her phone as she rushed down the hall, through her office, and out the back door. If he’d strained his back, he sure wouldn’t be hitting the trail tonight. Or even tomorrow. Hope welled up and she grimaced at her selfish response. Poor guy was in pain and likely to be laid up a few days, and she was getting giddy over the potential change in plans.
When she reached the carriage house, she burst through the door. “Wes?”
“Back here.”
She dashed through the house and found him in the bedroom, frozen over the bed, hands braced on the mattress. “Can you move?”
“I don’t know.” Tension laced his voice. “I haven’t tried yet.”
She lifted the back of his shirt. No physical anomalies. That was good. “What kind of pain are you having?”
He grimaced. “Spasms. Stiffness. Happened a few years ago and feels just the same. It was a strain.”