He should’ve gone straight to Lillian when he’d returned to the States. The trail could’ve waited. Between Lillian’s grief and job struggles she’d been in a tailspin since her brother’s death. He’d told himself he needed some therapeutic time alone before he was in any shape to support her. But he should’ve been there for her like he’d promised. When Landon had made that deathbed plea, he hadn’t had phone calls in mind.
And now Wes had let his growing feelings for Avery overshadow the promise he’d made to his buddy. He just had to get this place finished, and then he’d be on his way. He would come through for his friend, the same way Landon had come through for him. The thought brought a measure of peace.
Wes lay back against his pillow, not bothering to shut off the light. But it was a long time before he found rest.
“You can come look now.”
Avery jumped from her seat at the kitchen island and headed toward the door. Finally, Wes was letting her see what he’d accomplished this week—he’d wanted to finish the floor and trim first.
She stopped at her apartment door and tracked back to the living room, grabbed the W-4 form for Wes, then headed out the door. Hard to believe the cottage was almost finished. She owed him a lot more than the measly payment he’d be getting.
She headed down the steps and into the yard. He’d worked right through suppertime tonight. Maybe she’d offer to take him out to eat one last time.
The thought of his imminent departure planted an ache in the center of her chest. She’d gotten used to spending her evenings with Wes. Every night this week Avery had either cooked or ordered carryout. Then they whiled away the remaining hours with a hike,a game of cards, or a movie. One night they’d simply talked for hours on the back deck.
But tomorrow was Friday, his last day. He would finish up the cottage (hopefully), then hit the trail just in time for Dr.Chan to arrive. Saying good-bye to Wes wouldn’t be easy. Avery would be grateful for the distraction of the doctor’s arrival.
The sun had set behind the mountains, ushering in twilight. Swathes of periwinkle and gold streaked the darkening sky in a striking palette. Just ahead a light shone through the carriage house windows.
When she reached the building, she knocked on the door.
“Close your eyes!” Wes called through the door.
Avery smiled and did as he instructed. “This is how it’s going to be, huh?”
The door clicked open. “Yep.”
If possible, her smile stretched wider. “Haven’t you made me wait long enough?”
“Patience, Doc.” He took the form from her, then guided her forward. “It’ll be worth the wait. I promise.”
With her eyes closed, other senses prevailed. The low timber of his voice sent shivers down her spine. The familiar woodsy scent of him beckoned her closer. And the solid feel of his arm enticed her.
He placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her to a halt. “All right. Open your eyes.”
Avery gasped at the sight. Not only was the plank flooring complete, the furniture was back in place. With the freshly painted gray walls and ash-toned planking, it seemed like a brand-new living space.
“Oh, Wes. It’s beautiful. The flooring is perfect—like real wood. And you replaced the chandelier.”
“It was on sale for a ridiculous price. You did a great job picking out the colors.”
Her gaze drifted over the space, taking it all in. Dr.Chan would be impressed. Who wouldn’t want to live here? It was nicer than her own apartment. A laugh bubbled up in her throat. She turned and threw her arms around him. “You’re amazing! Thank you so much.”
He chuckled and her chest absorbed the vibrations. “Don’t get too excited now. The bathroom’s still unfinished. Not to mention that wall. But after the inspection clears in the morning, I’ll set the tub enclosure, stool, and sink. If there’s time I’ll hang the drywall before I leave, but no promises.”
She pulled back and grasped his forearms. “I can’t believe you got all this done. How can I ever thank you?”
His eyes softened. “It was my pleasure. Truly.”
The moment lengthened. She became hyperaware of her shallow breaths, of the unyielding muscles under her fingertips, of the warmth in those blue eyes.
His expression fell as the seconds drew out, his gaze homing in on hers.
Avery’s fingers itched to brush the sharp curve of his jawline. She wanted to cup the strong column of his neck and feel his pulse thrumming against her palm. The way he looked at her made her legs as wobbly as cooked noodles.
But the memory of his phone conversation flashed in her mind. Somewhere out there was a woman who meant something to him. And even if Avery was somehow mistaken, she’d already chosen not to take this road.