“Seems like you had a nice nap.”

He rubbed a hand over his face, getting a palm full of bristly hair. “Time is it?”

“A little after ten. I’m afraid I have some bad news—I wasn’t able to find accommodations for you. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July so this weekend is a busy one around here.”

“You mentioned a campground before...”

“The cabins are full but there was a cancellation for acampsite. However, the hard ground is no place to recover from an illness.”

“I’ll be fine. I have a tent.”

The doctor regarded him with an enigmatic expression. “It’s up to you, of course. But you’re welcome to hang around here awhile. We’re closed Sundays so it’ll be quiet.”

He was already shaking his head. He’d already be paying for this medical detour for months—and just when he’d almost cleared his dad’s debt. “Thanks for the offer but as I said before, I don’t have insurance. And I don’t want to be a bother.” This was probably the doctor’s only day off.

“I’m sure we can work something out.”

“Is that code for me making payments for the rest of my wage-earning days?”

One side of her lips lifted. “No, it’s code for we’ll work something out. Financing in a small town can get a little creative. Let’s just say I have a year’s supply of freshly grown vegetables at my disposal. The door to my apartment? Trade. And how do you think I came by my adorable kitty?”

“Gee, I’m fresh out of veggies, doors, and kitties.”

“Youarefeeling better. Like I said, we can work something out.”

“How much am I in for so far? Ballpark estimate.”

She cocked her head, holding eye contact for a beat before she quoted a rate that made his body break out in a sweat again.

“But I’ll cut you a deal for today since you’re off theIV and will require minimal medical care.” The rate she named was equivalent to a stay in a hotel—the kind Doc might stay at.

He had marketable skills, but he didn’t exactly have a job waiting for him in Albany. And there was Lillian to consider.He didn’t like the idea of starting their lives together digging out of debt.

But if he was honest he wasn’t sure he could make it all the way to the campground, and he couldn’t in good conscience thumb a ride when he was contagious.

“So what do you say?” The doctor stared at him, those green eyes holding something he couldn’t quite decipher. “Stick around for another night?”

The fatigue made every movement feel as if he were swimming in molasses. He regarded her for a moment. “Any chance you have a shower around here?”

“We do. And I can grab some food from the deli if you feel up to eating. You must be starving.”

His stomach gave a hard, empty twist. He couldn’t remember the last thing he’d eaten. “All right. One more night.”


Avery’s fingers flew across the keyboard. Applying for grants was a long, tedious process, but she was becoming quite adept. If just one of these came through, maybe she’d have a prayer of finding a decent doctor.

The only sound in the clinic was the patter of water from the shower across the hall. She was unreasonably glad Wes had decided to stay. It was only because of his tenuous health. This way she wouldn’t worry about him trying to recover on the ground in the sweltering heat. It was better for her peace of mind, that was all.

The water had been running awhile—she hoped he was all right in there. But it had probably been weeks since he’d had the luxury of a warm shower, and there were built-in bars and a seat where he could rest. Having been vomited on more than once, she was quite familiar with the shower.

Her phone pinged with an incoming text. Earlier, she’d let herfamily know she wouldn’t be at church so they didn’t worry. They probably wanted to know if she could join them for lunch.

The message was from Cooper.Where are you?

At work, she responded.

A minute later a loud knock on the clinic door made her jump. She stood, her chair scuttling out behind her, and headed for the entrance.